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List of Top Cloud Computing Startups in India

List of Top Cloud Computing Startups in India

The Cloud Computing Business is growing at a remarkable rate as more companies realize the power of the cloud and its unparalleled and terrific potential. The immense growth of Cloud Computing made Businesses shift to the cloud. However, some entrepreneurs remain skeptical of the blooming cloud market is a testament to how quickly cloud has gone mainstream.

Cloud computing is evolving day by day as new startups come up with more innovative and unique use cases. In this fast-paced business world, everyone is trying their best to make a mark. With growing innovation boosted by breakneck competition in the cloud market, numerous use cases have popped up that help in exploring new horizons making the cloud a much more vast and versatile infrastructure.

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Cloud startups continue to attract venture capital funding from the companies and the attention of the top cloud computing platform providers amid a digital transformation march that’s expected to push public cloud service revenue from $214.3 billion in 2020 to $331.2 billion by 2022.

However, at a certain point in time, things can go south quickly and quite easily which is why there is immense pressure on these startups to not just come up with extraordinary and unique ideas but to also keep delivering while making smart business decisions. The inevitable future is Cloud Computing and it will be exciting to witness the process of the journey of all these groundbreaking startups.

Cloud computing is a stage in the market that performs administrations like programming, storing data, systems administration, databases, and servers through the web. It has subbed the physical utilization of hard drives and private servers.

Some of the characteristics of cloud computing are Elasticity, Pay per use, Workload resilience, Resource pooling, Flexibility, Disaster recovery, Easy maintenance, On-demand services, Broad network access.

Worldwide Growth of Cloud Computing Service Providers in 2020
Worldwide Growth of Cloud Computing Service Providers in 2020

There are some cloud computing companies and startups in India which are successful including IBM, Amazon, Ctrls, AGC, Microsoft, Cloud Sify.

The global pandemic may have affected many sectors of the economy, but it doesn’t seem to have hindered the cloud computing market. According to the latest forecast, the public cloud market will likely grow 6.4% in 2020 to reach $242.7 billion. Software as a service (SaaS) is particularly strong, accounting for $104.7 billion of that total.

In a 2020 Information survey, IT leaders estimated that 42% of their cloud-related budgets are going to SaaS initiatives. According to research, it was found that nearly all enterprises and small businesses are using some form of cloud computing. Around 96% were using public cloud services and 76% use a private cloud.

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As cloud computing has become the norm, the trend has given birth to a huge number of startups that rely on the cloud. Cloud-based companies have challenged older, more established firms by finding new ways to do things more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever before. And these exciting new business models have attracted a lot of investment, in many cases in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Best Cloud Computing Startups in India

In hyper-connected businesses, it is hard to imagine a world immune to cyber-attacks and data breaches. For a modern-day business organization, a robust resourceful IT infrastructure is the need of the hour. Developing the uncompromised infrastructure and maintain, involves a huge investment and this is one of the major reasons where businesses lag.

Top Cloud Service Providers
Top Cloud Service Providers

Despite possessing trained and skilled resources, Re-innovating the infrastructure underlying cloud applications has taken immense steps in recent years and is believed to be the next wave of innovation.

In order to meet the growing demands, all organizations need to adapt and scale well. This stage is where the role of a cloud start-up comes into the picture. These start-ups are transforming the business and simplifying enterprise application delivery.

CSQ Global Solutions

CSQ Global Solutions, founded in 2013, is a provider of technology-enabled solutions across the Cloud such as eLearning, PaaS, SaaS and also offers an array of services in Application Servers, Data Centers, Developing Environments, Analytics, Mobility, Digitalization, Testing also including the Test Environments and SOA based Business Services.


The Cloud Computing startup called Backupuru provides affordable and secure cloud solutions for businesses and new entrepreneurs.


BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile testing platform that enables developers to test their websites and mobile applications across on-demand browsers, operating systems and real-time devices.


Infilect is a startup that specializes in deriving intelligence by parsing large-scale visual content using proprietary deep learning and artificial intelligence technology.


RightCloudz empowers and enables their cloud customers to make the right vendor choices when buying cloud-based assets and services.


CtrlS, founded in 2007 is a provider of cost-effective best-in-breed IT Infrastructure Solutions and a host of outsourced business solutions like Private cloud-on-demand, cloud hosting Disaster Recovery on demand and Managed services.


ShareNSearch, founded in 2012, is an interest-based provider on social media platforms with categorization that enables users to store content on the cloud and share it with like-minded people while empowering advertisers to reach precise targets.


Vaultize which was founded in 2010 is a provider for enterprise file sync & share (EFSS), mobile collaboration, digital rights management (DRM), mobile content management (MCM), VPN-free secures anywhere access to corporate data repositories, data access control, data privacy, end-to-end encryption and continuous data protection.


Fastest growing data center, hosting services, dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, business email solutions, Dedicated Servers, rack space, colocations, cloud computing and end-to-end Managed IT services to clients.


The startup was founded in 2011 and is a provider of cloud-based products for Google Apps focused on bridging the gap between an enterprise expectation and Google Apps and building business applications leveraging Google cloud technologies.

The Final Note

The Cloud computing business is evolving every day as new startups come up with more innovative and unique use cases. Every Business is trying its best to set a benchmark. But at the same time, things can go awful easily in the business which is why there’s immense pressure on these startups to not just come up with new smart business decisions.

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