Crypto Mining Goes Mainstream with Mobile Apps that Allow Users to Mine from Their Smartphones
Remember when crypto mining was something anyone could do with just a decent computer? Yeah, those days are long gone. Nowadays, mining is a pricey and technical endeavor that's out of reach for most people. This has led to a situation where mining is centralized in the hands of those who can afford it. But what if we could change all that? PLC Ultima, a new blockchain-based ecosystem, is making crypto mining more accessible to the masses with their new approach to crypto mining: mobile apps.
In decentralized systems like blockchain, the community plays an active role by running nodes that check transactions or launching mining farms to write transaction blocks in the blockchain. In return, active participants are rewarded with digital coins for their work. This is what keeps decentralized systems alive and allows for a fair distribution of rewards. But with the rise of expensive mining equipment and high energy consumption, it's become harder for regular people to participate in mining.
PLC Ultima's discovered a solution to this problem: minting. Instead of buying expensive and energy-consuming equipment, minting is done via apps on smartphones. In general, smartphones lack the necessary hardware to perform the complex mathematical calculations required for mining. Cryptocurrency mining requires a dedicated computer with a powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) or application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) to perform these complex calculations. Smartphones, on the other hand, have less powerful processors and are not designed to handle the intense computations required for mining. Additionally, mining on smartphones would consume a large amount of power, which would have a significant impact on battery life and could lead to overheating. But minting invented by PLC Ultima team is a new approach to the blockchain technology.
Minting makes it accessible to millions of people and allows for a more energy-efficient way of producing new coins. Right now, over 1.5 million people worldwide are using it and that number is only going up. Recently, PLCU, a native coin of the ecosystem, broke into the top of the most popular coins. According to Coingecko, it was included in the list of the ten most trending coins in India among other already well-known cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
PLC Ultima's goal is to give people around the world new, high-tech ways to improve their standard of living. The project team doesn't want the barriers of traditional mining to hold people from evolving economies back from participating in the crypto world. With PLC Ultima's mobile minting, anyone can join in and earn rewards for supporting the ecosystem. It's a fresh take on an old concept, and it's making crypto mining accessible to all. The PLC Ultima blockchain is an updated version of Litecoin blockchain, with a focus on speed and energy efficiency.
The PLC Ultima ecosystem was launched by Alex Reinhardt, a seasoned venture investor, economist, and entrepreneur with a track record of launching successful startups and fintech platforms.
Ditching the expensive equipment and deep technical knowledge, PLC Ultima has revolutionized the game with their mobile-based crypto mining solution. Their two native coins, PLCU and PLCUX, make it easy for users to participate and earn rewards. With PLCU serving as the transactional coin and PLCUX focused on generating new coins, the deflationary model of PLCU ensures scarcity by burning coins and increasing demand on the secondary market.
To get involved with PLC Ultima, all users have to do is download their free apps (Ultima Farm and Ultima Wallet) on their smartphone, register a new account, and buy some PLCUX coins (native coins of the PLC Ultima ecosystem). To start minting, they just freeze a certain number of these PLCUX coins for a certain period of time. They will be rewarded on a monthly basis for storing and freezing coins in their wallets, and the more coins they freeze, the higher the reward.
With PLCUX only tradable for PLCU, which can be found on multiple exchanges, including and MEXC, it's never been easier to start minting and earn rewards all from the convenience of an ordinary mobile device.
Apart from minting, the PLC Ultima ecosystem offers a wide range of actively used services, including PlatinHero, a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform with advanced smart contracts, PlatinDeal, a global marketplace that accepts cryptocurrency payments, Ultima cashback program, and PLC Card, a banking-like card for everyday use with digital assets and high daily limits of up to €150,000.