What Programming Languages And Tech Skills You Need To Have As A Data Analyst

What Programming Languages And Tech Skills You Need To Have As A Data Analyst

With the world entering a digital phase, every business understands the importance of means like data. The online domain has boosted the role data plays in every industry. That is why brands nowadays dedicate a particular focus on the domain.

So much so that they hire talented individuals to dig out data and assess it thoroughly. While the definition can bode well with several positions, a data analyst fits the description the best. The data analyst position is one of the most desirable jobs right now, and reasonably so.

The job pays well, and the growth prospects in the field are exponential. That is why many candidates enter the field in hopes of making it big. But it is not as simple.

The sheer competition in the field is outrageous. On top of that, you need to figure out your approach to enter the domain. The confusion persuades the candidates to look for an entry level data analyst job description.

However, merely reading a job description will not land you a decent data analyst job. For that, you need to possess a specific set of skills. What are those skills which can help you become an efficient data analyst?

Read through the blog and know all about them. Here are the top technical and programming skills needed to become a data analyst.

Top Skills Needed to Become a Data Analyst

Here is everything you need to master to land the best data analyst job:

MS Excel

Representing a data structure is an integral part of a data analyst’s job, and Excel can achieve it optimally. While the tool is commonly known to prepare spreadsheets, it can facilitate several other functions. Excel is ideal for handling light, quick, and small analytics.

Methods such as using VBA and writing Macros are robust enough to help out an SME or a startup. After all, they have continuously been helping businesses throughout the years.


Honing a grasp of database languages is crucial for anyone aspiring to become a data analyst. That is why you need to master Structured Query Language or SQL. The language is renowned worldwide and is often called “the Excel’s graduated version.”

SQL helps a data analyst store and manage data, connect to additional databases, and even build different data structures. The language becomes even more integral if you intend to work in a firm utilizing means such as Big Data.

Python or R

While Excel is considered apt for SMEs, a large organization needs the help of Python. Python or R is capable of doing Excel’s tasks quicker and better. The statistical programming languages are ideal for predictive analytics and advanced analysis.

Since both R and Python are industry-standard, a seasoned data analyst must master one of them. So which one should you choose? Both languages are accepted in the industry, but some firms might prefer R to explore and analyze massive data.

Data Preparation and Cleaning

Retrieving data from different sources is the primary job of a data analyst. So it goes without saying that you need to possess the skill. After gathering the data, a data analyst prepares it for categorical and numerical analysis.

Sometimes, you also need to clean the data to complete the analysis correctly. Cleaning means to handle inconsistent and missing data affecting the analysis. While data cleaning is not as fun, preparing data can give you a refreshing experience.

Data Exploration and Analysis

Hiring a data analyst to perform data analysis goes without saying. A data analyst must convert a business query into a data query and answer it with data.

Data exploration is another branch of data analysis, and it helps find correlations and patterns within the data. Such trends can be used for the firm’s betterment, such as cost reduction and better growth prospects.

Preparing Data Visualizations

Simplifying data by making patterns and trends is another primary job of a data analyst. Understanding a long spreadsheet is not an easy task for a non-technical audience. That is why a data analyst is required to create charts and plots to represent the data better.

Creating data visualizations also helps in data exploration. Finding a data analyst job where data visualizations are not mandatory is rare. So candidates should learn data visualization skills.

Machine Learning

Businesses do not ask a junior data analyst to carry multiple years of work experience. That is why an entry level data analyst salary is lower than a senior data analyst. Moreover, senior data analysts are required to master the data science field.

Currently, predictive analysis and artificial intelligence are the most talked about subjects in the industry. Both the technologies are sure to rule the upcoming digital revolution, and that is why a senior data analyst must be adept with them.

Enhancing statistical programming skills is critical to growth in the domain, so as a data analyst, you need to get familiar with tech like machine learning.

Formulating Reports and Dashboards

A firm hires data analysts to make educated decisions after going through the data reports and analysis. So it is needless to say that a data analyst must prepare reports and dashboards with the data provided by the business.

It might be a simple table, chart, or a complex dashboard comprising multiple data points. An analyst must be capable of representing the data findings in the most straightforward and most understandable forms.

Statistical Knowledge

Grasping the theatrics of statistics and probability are vital skills a data analyst needs to possess. These skills can be helpful in data exploration and analysis, expanding your skillset as an analyst. Also, understanding the statistics will help validate your findings and eradicate any errors in it.

The level of expertise will vary depending on your position, but its requirement is mandatory nonetheless. If the business heavily relies on probability analysis, you will require an extensive understanding of the subject.


In the current digital age, positions like data analyst have become pivotal for a business’s survival. A data analyst knows every workaround regarding data and helps an organization steer through the intricate market dynamics. Since the job is popular and well-paid, numerous candidates prepare for it.

However, landing a decent data analyst job requires them to possess several key skills. The blog has mentioned several essential skills needed to become a data analyst. Read through it, and try to accommodate as many skills as possible to get the best data analyst job today.

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