How AI is Transforming the Legal Profession in 2025 and Access to Justice in India
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This article has been contributed by Dr. Arvind Singhatiya, Founder & CEO, Legalkart.
Implementing AI has become a possibility with the help of the implementation of AI systems in India because what used to take years in legal disputes now takes just a fraction of that time; lawyers can get information on precise research, and those who live in remote areas can get a lawyer in just one click. What if this could happen?
The subject which we call Artificial Intelligence is indeed another constituent of the future fantasy which was present in the past. It is revealed that the implementation of AI causes changes in the legal system that result in increased speed, improvement in the process and better clarity.
AI-Powered Legal Research and Document Review
To conduct legal research in the past, one had to spend much time and lots of effort. Modern AI techniques enable the identification of the case law statutes in the large legal databases in a relatively short time. The system results are very accurate and, at the same time, reduce legal workloads.
Some of them assist attorneys in drafting legal documents and legal contracts as well. With this, the system also provides summaries with the reform suggestions that are free from any human error and guarantee that all the documents are in compliance with the current requirements.
Self-help tools using artificial intelligence are formative measures that people employ to get an idea of what the law provides them before they consult a legal professional. With this development, the public gets to obtain legal information for his or her cases as may be the case.
Faster and More Efficient Courts
In India’s situation, there is a mass of the population that is stuck in the legal procedures and mechanisms. This number was further raised to nearly 33 lakh from December 2022 to February 7, 2023, and crossed the figure of 5.20 crore.
AI achieves this firstly, sorting the situation by its level of urgency and secondly, estimating the results. By using such information in the system, four judges are in a position to make the right decisions in a shorter time.
The proposed use of AI-based real-time captioning of the Constitution Bench hearing by the Supreme Court is a great leap forward. In addition, more persons will understand legal judgments through the Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software (SUVAS) translates the ruling in regional languages.
In addition, there are improvements in the court hearings’ schedule that aim at increasing the effectiveness of time management during hearings and avoiding delays. This is to the advantage of the legal persons and other citizens who are patiently waiting to receive justice.
AI in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Disputes can therefore be solved legally by arbitration or by mediation which in fact can be solved using artificial intelligence. Among them some are used to preview examples and to suggest fair awards so that costs and time are saved.
This is particularly beneficial to the people and the small business entities that would have struggled with handling the long and expensive court cases.
In addition, sentiment analysis is being employed in dispute resolution to determine the course of negotiations and recommendations on the best approach towards positive resolution for both the parties.
Challenges in AI Adoption in Law
There are some challenges being posed by AI even as it has a number of conveniences.
Data Privacy and Security:
Working with legal data, sources, and information, AI creates issues with the privacy of the data. Therefore, it should be pointed out that absolutely strict rules are inevitable in such a situation to prevent abuses.
Bias in AI Decisions:
The outcome of an AI decision often depends on the legal data used by the software in the analysis, and it is possible that this data contains prejudice. In some circumstances, it may very well reinforce current bias if not well mitigated at the time of making a decision.
The Human Touch Will Be Critical:
While the human lawyer definitely has ethical thinking and even compassion that is far superior to that of AI, which only solves with figures.
Lack of Regulations:
At present, there is no specific law or regulation in India for the use of artificial intelligence in the legal sector. For applying artificial intelligence to be ethical, there are certain deep rules that have to be followed.
Resistance to Change:
This is a major factor that may hinder the adoption of AI because some legal professionals are usually defensive of change, especially if their jobs are at risk or they lack adequate knowledge of technology. It is something that can be rectified through training courses.
The Future of AI in Indian Law
Looking at the future, it is evident that AI will continue playing a central role in the education of law students. For preparing future attorneys for the legal profession that is in the process of being shaped by technology, today’s law schools have started including both AI-related theoretical concepts and cases in the curriculum.
AI is also innovative in facilitating international legal practice. AI is beneficial in areas such as compliance checks, contract management, as well as cross-border litigation.
Legal assistance is one more field in which artificial intelligence is strengthening its presence. Developing artificial intelligence-powered systems to give poor communities free or low-cost legal help guarantees that justice is more equal for everyone, independent of their economic means.
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