8 Things To Consider While Evaluating The Resume Of a Freelancer Phonegap Developer

8 Things To Consider While Evaluating The Resume Of a Freelancer Phonegap Developer

An increasing number of businesses today are investing in mobile app development to effectively navigate the shift in consumers' choices and preferences towards mobile technology. But if your organization doesn't have staff with technical skills and expertise to develop these mobile apps, there is no need to worry.

There are multiple options available to hire the skill sets and expertise of professional app developers, be it PhoneGap developers or Node.js developers for hire.

Evaluating the Resume of a Freelancer Phonegap Developer

Native iOS and Android development services are very time-consuming and usually cost a lot. If you wish to save time and cost both, hire phonegap developers to build a multi-platform mobile solution.

PhoneGap is essentially Adobe's distribution of Apache Cordova, with some extra capabilities added by Adobe. It offers an excellent solution to cross-platform compatibility of mobile apps with high market demand.

An open-source framework having an association with CSS3 and HTML5 JavaScript, Phonegap's platform independence makes it suitable to develop hybrid apps for Android, iOS, Windows, WebOS, and more. You can hire PhoneGap developers for using standardized web APIs and integrate it with standard SDK for the targeted mobile platform.

This article discusses the eight factors you need to consider while evaluating the resume of freelance or independent PhoneGap developer-

1. Past Work Experience

Professionally qualified and confident PhoneGap developers should not hesitate to tell you about the work they have done and apps they have created until now.

Their past work experience will give you clear insight on whether or not they have the requisite skills and expertise you are looking for along with the quality of the projects they've worked for including-

  • Custom PhoneGap app development from scratch
  • Custom iPhone, Android, and Windows mobile app development for both commercial and open-source frameworks
  • PhoneGap mobile app customization

2. Technical Capabilities

A successful assessment of technical proficiency goes far ahead of essential programming languages and knowledge of technology. Becoming familiar with the new language, technology, design pattern, and trends are considered some of the crucial things that any reliable PhoneGap developer should be good at.

Therefore, it is critical to evaluate the candidate's technical strength, problem-solving skills, grasping power, creativity, and understanding before hiring them for your app development project.

3. Development Time

One of the critical reasons why developers consistently favor PhoneGap application development is quicker time to create and convey. It saves a lot of development time, cost as well as efforts, which you can invest in building business strategies and various other tasks for business development.

Qualified PhoneGap developers can build a mobile application for your business that every smartphone user across the world can download, including Android, iOS, or Windows phone users. Make sure that the Phonegap developer you wish to hire understands the various aspects and local components to be incorporated into the application, to develop the applications in a shorter time.

4. Robust Understanding of Agile Approach

Every IT company out there is adopting Agile methodology today. With an iterative nature of development, agile methods guarantee incremental deliveries to the enterprises, enabling multiple advantages before the final delivery while the app is in progress.

It is crucial, therefore, that the Phonegap developer you are looking to hire should be well-versed with an agile approach to mobile app development.

5. Communication Is The Key

How well the prospective PhoneGap developer communicates with you during the hiring process can give you a glimpse of the future. If they do not prioritize communication in terms of returning your emails on time or respond to your calls or messages, make sure to look for someone else.

The freelance app developer needs to give you a weekly work progress report so that everyone is on the same page on the progress of the project.

6. Development Process

When evaluating a Phonegap developer, it is crucial to ask them about their development process. Some of the questions to ask here include-

  • How and when do you provide feedback?
  • Are there project meetings regularly?
  • How is communication handled?
    How are scope changes handled?
  • What are the types of project management tools used?
  • How is quality assurance (QA handled)?

While evaluating their development process, make sure to see that you fit in the entire design and approval process, to avoid any miscommunications at a later stage.

7. Maintenance Plan and Upgrades

Typically all the significant platforms upgrade their software at a regular interval. Many times, the app developed in the previous upgrade fails to work correctly in the latest one, or some of the features don't work in the new version.

To avoid such situations, it is vital to ensure that your PhoneGap developer offers you a seamless maintenance service. You need to see if they will make necessary changes in your app, which would be per the upgrade so that it can handle all the future upgrades.

8. Cost Considerations And Timelines

Cost is another factor to consider when evaluating profiles of prospective PhoneGap developers. You must ensure to discuss all the elements of the cost of app development, such as the cost overruns and underlying fees before-hand, to avoid any confusion at a later stage.

Further, the developers must ensure that they are delivering all the things which are promised on time. Any delay from them means a huge setback for the client and revenue loss for the business.

In Conclusion

Professional PhoneGap freelance programmers are known for their considerable experience and expertise in building mobile apps, primarily using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They have expertise in developing a wide array of mobile applications, including stand-alone apps, dynamic apps for games, online websites, and much more.

When evaluating the resume of prospective PhoneGap developers, the factors mentioned above are significant to consider to be able to hire an impeccable developer for your project.

Considering these factors allows you to hire right freelance candidates in terms of work, understanding, and overall process. It also ensures that you get the advantage of the best possible methodology for your PhoneGap project to deliver technologically superior mobile applications, which can be deployed in different mobile devices.

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