4 Types of Guest Posts that will Surely Drive Traffic to your Website

4 Types of Guest Posts that will  Surely Drive Traffic to your Website

Here’s a fun story:

Jon Cooper, a writer from Point Blank SEO, established himself as an SEO expert by writing a guest post on Moz. The article, ‘the Complete List of Link Building Tactics’ generated 400 visitors on Moz.

Moz marketed the blog on their homepage and it kept getting 10-20 visitors even after 2 weeks. The popularity got Jon 2 clients that he signed, and then denied more work, as he, “didn’t have the time”.

Too much work…every marketer would like this problem.

The point is, Guest Posting is the best inbound marketing strategy that exists. You might see fewer results in the beginning, but it’s fruitful in the long run. When readers come across your content on authoritative sites, they start trusting you and reach out to you for business.

A study by Social Marketing Writing states that 62.96% of readers find blogs with multiple authors more credible. Neil Patel says,

“I’ve tried many inbound marketing strategies but guest blogging remains my most treasured tool.”

With quality content, guest posting can line up website visitors for you - the parade won’t stop.

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Now the question is:

What Type of Guest Posts should you post?

There are different types of blogs. Writers share their experiences, tips and tricks, and interviews. You should start by analyzing what the website generally shares. See which blogs get the most traction, so you can pitch them exactly what their audience likes.

But not all blogs guarantee backlinks like these. These types of blogs are, what I call, backlink magnets:

1. Data Report
2. Case Study
3. A Thought Leadership Article in your Niche
4. A How-To or Guidance Blog Post

1. Data Report

A data report is what establishes you as an expert. Readers love data; especially businessmen, who are ready to swipe the card if they trust your work. You can use Google surveys to extract data by asking relevant questions.

Another way to get data is by using software that allows competitor research like SEMrush’s Competitor Analysis Tool. These tools provide valuable information about a company’s marketing campaign which you can use to your advantage.

A data report may include:

  • The most tracked keywords in the digital marketing industry
  • How many blogs does X retailer publish in a month?
  • 85% of companies prefer short-form content over long-form
  • 79% of advertisers on Meta prefer paid options

Companies are interested in this data for several reasons:

  • To get ahead of their competition
  • To track the market
  • To build their campaign

That's why there's a higher chance of them clicking on the link.

President of 10x digital, Holly Rollins explains that data is the most sought-after content type. Survey-based content speaks to all audiences whether it's in a blog or social media post.

2. Case Study

A case study is a great piece of content to have under your belt. It enhances your reputation in the market. Data and statistics provided in a case study build your credibility as a brand.

You can link a case study to a relevant blog to prove a point.

Once you’ve written an authentic case study, say, about a client who got 10,000 website visits through backlinks. You can link that easily to a blog titled, ‘5 ways to get website visitors through backlinks’.

If you link a case study to an appropriate blog - where it doesn’t seem forced – more readers will click on it.

More examples:

Case Study: How long does it take client X to rank on the top three search results?

Blog topic: A guide to get your content on the first page

Case Study: How many guest posts do you need to write in a month?

Blog Topic: The power of guest posting

Having more than one angle for each case study can get you more links with fewer efforts. A case study titled, “Zero to Hundred backlinks”, can be linked with more than one blog. For instance:

  1. 7 Ways to generate backlinks

2. What is a backlink? How to get more?

3. How to get backlinks for small businesses?

3. A Thought Leadership Article in your Niche

A thought leadership article from CEO or Founder reflects expertise. Take this for example,

“Link Building is the strongest brick in the foundation of your marketing campaign”, says David Hasselhoff, CEO of Core Digital.

When you use these as links in your guest blogs, readers assume your expertise. They are tempted to find out what a leader of a marketing firm considers best. Thought leadership blogs support your link-building efforts while proving the legitimacy of your content.

Although you should consider these points before you link an article with a guest blog:

  • It must support the guest blog and shouldn’t look forced
  • It backs up the point that you’re making in the guest blog

Remember that the CEO doesn't have to write the blog himself. It's a part of a marketing campaign so a writer can curate the blog and include quotes and suggestions from the CEO.

4. A How-To or Guidance Blog Post

A good old ‘How-To’ blog never goes out of fashion. No matter what your niche is, your target audience is bound to have queries. Tap into this opportunity and solve with content.

Website owners across the globe are always on the hunt for valuable blogs that their readers. These are too precious to reject.

Write an in-depth blog that explains something from root to tip. If you’re a marketer, you can choose topics like:

  • In-depth SEO - The Only Guide You Need in 2022
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Convert Leads Via E-mails

Keep an eye on what your audience engages with on social media. Track their likes, comments, and shares to understand what topics they’re interested in. To make a blog even more engaging, add:

  • Graphs to explain data easily
  • Screenshots to prove a point
  • Actionable tips that they can follow

The best and FREE tool to find what people want is Google. Just type ‘how to’, plus a keyword, and it will yank out a truckload of searches made every day. All you have to do is choose one.

Bonus Tips for Guest Posting

Since you are determined to generate backlinks, here are some bonus tips for you. These will help you create guests blogs consistently:

1. Take topics from popular websites and pitch the ideas to smaller ones.

2. Create a full-blown guide to explain a topic in detail. Cover everything necessary. Then, you can break it down into smaller blog pieces, and pitch them to various websites.

3. If you’re a content writer, who writes about digital marketing, you can make your blogs specified to an industry. Make it - digital marketing for start-ups, digital marketing for small businesses, or digital marketing for SaaS.

The same goes for SEO or Social Media Marketing. Tweak each blog with specifications for different niches, while the gist remains the same.

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Guest blogs drive traffic and establish authority for years on end. There’s no limit to how many visitors you can gain through guest posting if you do it long enough. No website can deny a quality content piece that adds value to the reader's life. Use this to your advantage.


What are the different types of posts?

How-To Guides, Checklists/Cheat Sheets, Infographics, and Guest Blogging are some of the types of posts.

What are guest posts?

Guest posting is when a blogger writes content for another site to attract traffic.

Are guest posts free?

Yes, some guest posts are free but some are paid too. But if you choose free guest posting, then you might get less traffic on your website.

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