A Complete Guide To Nail Your Dream Job Interview

A Complete Guide To Nail Your Dream Job Interview

Do’s & Don’t which could help you to get through Job Interview

The IT sector is booming very rapidly around the globe. It is the only sector where a lot of job opportunities in varied categories are available. Every job seeker is trying to crack a job interview in the big technology-based company to survive this unbalanced economic environment. If you want a job in leading MNCs like Google, Yahoo, Apple, then you need to prepare hard for the interview. These tech giants don’t hire candidates only on the basis of the interview and performance. So come out of your bubble world to face a harsh reality.

The interview is a parameter to select a candidate, so as to examine the ability of the interviewee. Many interviewees give their best but unfortunately fails to crack the interview. So today we are discussing a very important question, that why big tech companies reject you after performing perfectly in the interview when you have given your best, then what is the flaw? In this article, we will depict some myths and misconceptions related to the technology companies interviews and methodology to crack these interviews.

Myths and Misconceptions:

I have a good GPA

If you have a good GPA and a degree from a renowned university, it doesn’t bind you with a guarantee of successfully getting a job in a reputed company. Many people complaints that after showing their GPA and degree in the interview, they still didn’t get the job. Although, there are many reasons behind it. Sometimes companies only required a simple programmer to solve basic issues and you are more capable then that, and if they hire you, they need to pay higher wages, which a new startup can’t afford. So they drop you and hire someone with less qualification.

I have experience  

Experience matters, but in some case, it doesn’t matter. If a company is looking to hire fresher with innovative ideas in less salary, then it’s not your fault. So don’t blame yourself, if you got rejected despite having years of experience.

You have sloppy coding 

Wondering, that you have performed well in solving the equation, but in reality, you missed a few coding steps which are a big no-no for the tech companies. They look for perfect candidates to hire, So keep working hard on your coding system.

Your Citizenship 

Your nationality plays a vital role in hiring you. A company normally doesn’t employ foreign citizen because of higher rates and visa fees. Big companies sometimes take the risk and hire people from outside the country, but new startups can’t afford to pay such paper fees.

Lack of tech competency

After the interview, if you feel good and your interviewer seems polite and yet you get rejected, this is the question that trouble many job seekers. Moreover, if your interviewer seems polite, it’s because he is trained to do so. They will never tell you, your weak points. You have to self-evaluate your performance and dwell that are you really compatible with the tech world or not.

These are a few questions that run in every job seeker’s mind, who got rejected by big tech companies and trying hard to get their dream job. You shouldn’t get disheartened after few rejections, as these are part and play of interviews. You should always have a spirit of encouragement and keep trying because the perfect job is waiting for you. So, gather up your confidence again and read some tips, which will help you to crack the nuts for your dream job in big tech companies.

Tips to crack corporate interviews:

  • The utmost step is to understand the culture of an organization for which your giving interview. This helps you to understand the company better and it’s working style.
  • Speak softly with the interviewer and maintain the same level of tone throughout the interview session. Never speak loudly to convey your message or discontinue a topic.
  • Using hand gestures show your speaking power and take proper care of your body language. Never let your nervousness mix in your body language. Stay confidence in your style.
  • Your dress is your address to impress. Dress properly for the interview according to the profile of the company. Don’t overdo nor under dress yourself.
  • Practice hard to nail down your coding.
  • Show your leadership qualities and ability to handle a critical situation on your own to the interviewer.
  • Don’t give an irrelevant answer, it’s better to accept it politely if you don’t know. Answer only those questions which you are asked.
  • Bring your knowledge and perspective to the table: Try to converse actively by building a rapoo with the interviewer.
  • Pay special care to your attitude. Don’t act too smart or dumb at the time of interview. Just be yourself.
  • Your motivation level and passion about the job should be seen in your speech and interviewer should understand that straight.
  • Show your capability to handle the conflicts in an impressive manner to the person.

These are a few tips for the jobseekers. One Golden Tip before going for an interview is to do a thorough research about the company as well as the interviewer so as to have an idea about the level of difficulties you can face. This will give you knowledge about the company and it’s working culture which would be a boon to you. If you are an active job seeker then it’s time to visit some job portals and start applying. We wish all the very best for your future endeavors.

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