Privacy Focused Messaging Apps you should use in 2021

Privacy Focused Messaging Apps you should use in 2021

We all have private discussions, yeah, private! If it's an embarrassing story, a bureau gossip, or opening your emotions, and the last thing you expect is someone to see or use your messages to serve your ads. You can leave anything exposed unless you use an encrypted chat program.

As per the most recent update of 2021: WhatsApp now holds the freedom to share its collected data with users across the wider facebook network, primarily in order to boost Facebook advertising and product experience, described as the fifth most protected message app below. We retained this program on our list with more detail on the current data sharing policies and at the discretion of the reader, we maintained its protection status. For more information, see the WhatsApp section of this article.

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What do you mean by Secure Messaging?

What is Secure Messaging
What is Secure Messaging 

You and your customer login to an encrypted folder where the messages are stored by secure messaging. You and your client can only read documents in an encrypted folder.

When a client logs (records), opens (records) and replies (records) to a request, all the activity is accompanied by the activity. This provides you with proof that your customer reads and answers your message if necessary.

Privacy focused Messaging apps can be used to exchange confidential information. You and your client can be saved and encrypted independently in the cloud and available whenever necessary. They may be electronically distributed and registered without transmitting details on the web or by posting.

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Here we enjoy the benefits of today's best secure Messaging apps:

1. Signal

Signal Logo
Signal Logo

Many millions use Signal for immediate, unrestricted and encrypted communication, as it is considered as one of the safest messaging applications on the market. Signal secure message is one of the few software that is still accessible for its privacy-preserving technologies, which means that a non-intentional receiver does not risk exchanging moments or transferring messages.

Signal will modify the default SMS app, but simple SMS texts are not encrypted – you and the chatman must have the Signal enabled, or the Signal does not have enough power over both sides of the message to allow the encryption feature to function properly.


  • Conducts group talks, text messages, voice, video, paperwork, and images
  • Appears to offer disappearing messages (with a timer)
  • Protocol signaling
  • Stickers encrypted
  • Media view-once
WhatsApp vs Signal Messenger: Why you Should Use Signal Over WhatsApp
Messaging applications have been an integral part of smartphones since theyfirst hit the market. From SMS to Hike messenger, Smartphone users have had theprivilege to choose from a number of different chatting applications, and thoughWhatsApp has been the more popular choice, this has lead to a m…

2. Whatsapp

WhatsApp Logo
WhatsApp Logo

Whatsapp is one of the most popular chat applications with more than 1 billion users. It is simple to use with features including file sharing, gifs, and even desktop support. The strong encryption protocol by Open Whisper Systems Signal, the industry standard, is still used.  The encryption features Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS). This helps WhatsApp to save their messages in a manner that allows them to be backed up to the server by iOS or Android. Even if someone tries, in any way to break the key to your confidential chat, they can only see the last message that you received.

What will give you a break when it comes to using this app is, of course, Facebook-owned and that means that you add to the processing of data from the largest social network in the world. Facebook cannot read your message, but it does log other details about you for the purposes of the ads (end-to-end encryption avoids it), such as where your phone is located.


  • It is currently used by your contacts already
  • Quite secure standard encryption
  • Free video calls using an Internet connection instead of voice minutes using a cellular plan to prevent the fee.
  • Camera built-in
  • Sharing of report
The New WhatsApp Updates, New Features and How it Will Use Your Data
Smartphones have utterly transformed the way we communicate as opposed tocommunication at the time of landlines and keypad phones. They have enabled theuse of several applications which have been of assistance in various waysincluding messaging, phone calls, video calls and others. Today, a messa…

3. Telegram

Telegram Logo
Telegram Logo

Telegram is a common forum for strongly encrypted chats. End-to-end encryption of phone calls and group chats (if both parties have Telegram). The possibility of autodestructing texts, folders, images, and videos is available for a period of time after sending and receiving them. It also has texts that self-destruct.

For a more protected messaging experience, users can use the advanced app settings to allow secret chats, which would require you to remove messages from the app across the secret chat if you want to. These types of chats are computer specific, meaning only your device of origin allows you to view them. You can still have hidden chats if your computer is safe.

If you're looking for more of a messager's bells and whistles like stickers and audio notes, and even simple tools for picture and video editing, Telegram is a decent option. Only make sure the hidden mode is enabled for the safest post.


  • Connection secure
  • Usage of minimum data
  • Messaging anonymous
  • Enable protocol and API
  • No limitations on media size and chats
  • The capability of managing groups of up to 200,000
The Comparison Between WhatsApp And Telegram
Currently, there are so many messaging apps and services are available. But this field becomes a bit narrow if privacy and security are your main concerns. WhatsApp and Telegram are considered as the major apps in instant messaging apps. Let us discuss more about these two messaging tools.

4. Wickr Me

Wickr Logo
Wickr Logo

Wickr is one of the few fully private encrypted chat applications. This application enables users to connect independently or in groups through entirely encrypted text messages, voice messages, and memos with others. Instead of just a chat app, Wickr can be a platform for teamwork, as you can share screens, locations, and the status online.

When you log, Wickr does not use an email address or a phone number, meaning the user information is not collected and that the app has no access to it. The default encryption is activating, so every user that uses Wickr has access to transparency reports.

Beneficence, Wickr ME can safely preserve the privacy of this platform, because it does not log IP addresses or Specific System ID or record user metadata. Centered on its anonymous username, the app characterizes its customers.

Wickr is just not so famous as Signal(#1) or Telegram(#3) is the only drawback. It was originally conceived by corporations and companies and was thus not as widely marketed for daily people.


  • No user data or metadata is obtained
  • Locates all files and messages
  • Safe transmission of images, videos, and files (free plan: 1GB file transfer)
  • Develop teams and networks to represent your business
  • Stable online status and screen sharing
  • Data retention for up to 30 days
  • Pro edition deals for corporations
5 Founders shared Opinions on how to Keep Data and Business Cyber Secured when WFH is becoming a norm
Covid-19 [/tag/covid-19/] has shaken the whole world and brought everyone’s lifeto a halt. This highly contagious disease is spreading so fast that IndianGovernment has ordered 1.3 billion residents to stay home for more than 40 daysnow. Malls, theaters, companies, shops, restaurants, and manufac…

5. Threema

Threema Logo
Threema Logo

Threema, a networking application such as WhatsApp, seriously takes safety and encrypts all data, including texts, files exchanged, and even status updates. You don't even need to type a number or email address to set up an account. This creates a much more anonymous dimension.

The fact that Threema is open-source and does not log IP Addresses or metadata that help trace or profile users makes Threema one of the better choices. However, Threema is not a free app, and neither is it a free trial. Unlike the aforementioned applications.

Threema goes a long way to make sure that secure communications are the keystone of many message services. Therefore, the data that travel through them are automatically discarded as they are sent without any contact information being stored on their servers.


  • Connection protected
  • Minimum use of details
  • Messaging anonymous
  • Cover and use passwords to secure private talks
  • Check contacts by QR code

6. iMessage

iMessage Logo
iMessage Logo

iPhone users already know iMessage and it's an exclusive Apple service, but it's always worth remembering as we talk about Whatsapp in 2021. It is a clear reason: Apple more often than not gets to know the privacy game correctly.

The most significant security issue for consumers is the iMessage backup to iCloud. Messages saved in the cloud are encrypted via Apple-controlled keys such that messages can be exposed if the iCloud has been compromised at all. However, the alternative is to stop saving private messages for improved security controls on web-based sites like iCloud.


  • Mute or leave group chats updates
  • Block contact numbers
  • iMessages backup via iCloud
  • Size Settings for iMessage
  • For connecting with other iOS or maOS users, the Internet is used instead of a phone network
  • "Read Receipts" command
  • Default encryption enabled
Block Or Unsubscribe From Unwanted Promotional Messages
Using smartphones has made our lives easier. At the same time, promotionalmessages or SMS from companies like Airtel, [/tag/bharti-airtel/] Vodafone,Safaricom, etc. (except those which tells us about discount codes) havecluttered our devices and become a nuisance. These messages not only occupys…

7. Viber

Viber Logo
Viber Logo

Viber is one of the oldest messaging applications and continues to be one of WhatsApp's top alternatives in 2021. All Viber messages are encrypted from end to end and can be configured with a timekeeper in self-deletion mode. The app also features the function of a confidential contact to aid you in chatting the identity of other users by exchanging private keys. So, if your friend updates your account information in the future, Viber will update you.

The organization has improved its play when it comes to end-to-end encryption when only single messages have been encrypted, but group chats now often have E2E covered.


  • Calls with HD video
  • Chat extensions are used to browse through web pages without ever exiting chat for GIF's, photographs, restaurants, etc.
  • Confidential contacts confirm identity by sharing hidden codes with whom you are communicating
  • Instant message
  • Voice message instantaneously
Brian Acton: Co-founder of WhatsApp | Brian Acton Story, Net Worth, Education
Spare yourself a minute or two and make a note of the mobile applications youconsistently use. There’s a high chance of WhatsApp being one of them. Want totext someone? WhatsApp. Want to do a video call? WhatsApp. Eager to share thelatest joke? WhatsApp. The one stop solution for messaging, voice…


The fact that the old, big-name platforms have no robust privacy has contributed to the creation of new applications with more security features. Day after day in our technologically linked world, headlines about security threats come out, but we are compelled to be more vigilant about the risks of identification and data theft.

Although all of the security applications listed in the article have encoded messages end-to-end, it is clear that messages will synchronize between a multitude of devices and platforms as well as multi-mode communication (voice, text, video). You can only select which one to use by calculating the additional features that are the most important to you.

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