Beware Of These 7 Big Mistakes That Companies Make While Training Their Employees
đź“– Learning
The new corporate culture may sound plenty of options to you but the fact that the company usually grows when employees become progressively more competent and knowledgeable. While a lot of the learning happens outside training sessions, there is no denying the impact of a good training program.
With all the time and resources businesses allocate to training, it's important to get it right the first time. If we say on an individual basis, the teaching concept may sound simple. But there are 7 big mistakes companies make when training their employees. The basic point here is, although it may take a whole new form and poses incredible challenges when organizations try to train their entire workforces, best practices and catastrophic methods of doing things may help you out.
People and businesses should grow together concurrently
Training mistakes can do more than translate incorrect information; they can de-motivate staff, set employees up for failure, and even put them at risk. These are 7 common mistakes companies usually make which may be a pit-hole for the company for upcoming ventures.
Training in Training Rooms is Obsolete
A few decades ago, classroom training sessions used to happen and since they are obsolete now, most modern companies design training programs. In today’s fast-paced work new methods of working are adopted like remote working. Employees need to travel a lot and have flexible work hours. Getting everyone together can take months of planning.
Basically, the cons of classroom training are that it takes the employees away from the desk and can be a major distraction when they are juggling deliverables. Training rooms are functional during induction training and group activities, but it’s impractical for every other training scenario.

The training programs carry the benefit of, accessing then anywhere from any device with login details. A quick webinar is also a great medium to get employees in different locations together when the training style needs to be a bit more conversational.

Expecting Wrong Trainers To Train Right
Just because Chandler knows how to code, doesn’t make him qualified to train. SMEs (Subject Matter Expert) should ideally coordinate with the course designer to tweak the training program. There full involvement in the program is not needed, just the guidance can work wonders.
Communicating and learning are only as good as the trainer keeps it going right. It may seem obvious, but choose the right individual to lead the process of training employees. Keep in mind the best teacher is not necessarily the person that's best at the role themselves. One main drawback of SME training work is that it diverts the trainees from their core-work. And also, they have a little knowledge of training methodologies.
The trainer should be accessible to the trainee at all times. This means that the trainer needs to physically be around, and the trainer's door needs to be open.

Treating Training Like a One-and-Done Task
This is the most common mistake which most of the company tends to do, and then disaster happens because of a single mistake that the trainee does later. Most of the companies take this training as a one-time activity, which is typically at the beginning of a job when an employee is provided with the basics. But there’s much to be learned afterward also.
Organizations should shift their focus from offering one-time, job-specific training to providing all employees with ongoing learning and development opportunities. Companies benefit greatly from continuous learning programs, developing in-house experts who can better serve colleagues and customers while building their own knowledge and careers.
Forgetting “the WHY”
Most of the training programs keep on focussing on HOW employees should do their job. The how factor gets keep missing which is clearly important- a new employee needs to understand the nuts and bolts of their responsibilities, the tools they will use to do their job, and the expectations of the role.

The employee also needs to be trained on the why. Understanding "the why" gives them a deeper understanding of their role in the organization and what the organization is all about. It empowers them with problem-solving skills and allows them to evaluate processes and root out inefficiencies.
Training just for the sake of training is a bad idea. Employee training programs should be tagged to goals that are measurable in the workplace. For example, a fire safety training video should be followed up by a safety and compliance check and be scored.
Recycling on Conventional Methods of Learning and Technologies
The fact that training should be accessible and consistent always, doesn’t mean that recycling old training videos and scenarios that don't reflect the work is one of the quickest ways to disengage learners. Quality of training often differs from trainer to trainer. For example, a webinar or classroom training is only as effective as the person conducting it. E-learning technologies solve this problem by empowering employees to train themselves.

The great idea that can work here is that employees can directly go to an online portal to register for a course. These courses are interactive to keep the participants engaged. These courses also make use of animation and videos for maximum retention. After finishing each segment of a typical E-learning course, employees need to pass a test to move on to the next segment which checks the concept clearance.
The best part of E-learning is that employees can learn at their own pace. They can learn about a particular subject in chunks without having to download everything in one long session.
It’s easy to ignore the human resources side of your business when things are flowing smoothly. After all, there are far more pressing concerns nagging us each day. Relations with employees can be enjoyable and fulfilling or time-consuming and terrifying, depending on the situation.
Being proactive in the area of HR, recognizing and rectifying HR mistakes before they become serious problems, can save you countless headaches and protect your business against costly legal claims.
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