Jeenal Jain

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Bangalore, India
Jeenal Jain
GreenSole Success Story - How an Eco-Friendly Footwear Startup Is Making a Sustainable Difference

đź“„Company Profiles

GreenSole Success Story - How an Eco-Friendly Footwear Startup Is Making a Sustainable Difference

Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. The content in this post has been approved by GreenSole. Recycling and sustainable manufacturing are critical components of an environmentally conscious society. Recycling helps to conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of waste

By Jeenal Jain Success Story - How is it Providing Actionable Insights from Customer Interactions?

đź“„Company Profiles Success Story - How is it Providing Actionable Insights from Customer Interactions?

Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. The content in this post has been approved by Conversational analytics is the concept of extracting useful data from human speech and making analysis/interpretations using AI/ML. As technology is advancing

By Jeenal Jain, Anik Banerjee