Bing Marketing Strategy: All about Bing Ads

Bing Marketing Strategy: All about Bing Ads

Bing is a search engine which is owned and operated by Microsoft. It provides a space for people to search pictures, videos, websites, locations and many more.

About Bing
Bing Ads

About Bing

Bing is an internet based search engine which was unveiled as a one stop platform of Microsoft after it compiled all its search engines into one namely MSN search, Windows live search, and Live search.

market share of search engines worldwide
market share of search engines worldwide

‌It can be inferred from the graph above that Bing is the second most used search engine worldwide. However, the share of the same is substantially low. Microsoft is working gradually and rigorously to capture the most part of the market.

Bing Search Engine
Bing Search Engine

‌‌‌‌With the monopoly of Google in the market, it becomes tougher for any new brand to attract the consumer base. And doing this would definitely have been a task for Bing. Bing's marketing journey is a story to know. Let us see how Bing grew to earn billions of dollars working in a highly competitive space.

‌‌‌‌‌‌A decision engine: Microsoft Bing when launched was titled as a decision engine because of its efficiency and relevant search results for the query typed. It provided search results for the original query. It enabled the consumers to rather bing than google in the initial phase. Hence it definitely brought the users for Bing.

‌‌No Captcha: Many times we come across Google verifying if we are a robot which can be an advantage for Bing if a user is a compulsive search engine user. Bing allows users to search as many times as he/she want.

‌‌Related searches bar: It was Microsoft Bing that came up with the idea of displaying related searches when a user enters any query. It made tasks a lot easier for a user to surf through a list of search results and click on the most relevant one.

‌‌Microsoft-Yahoo tie up: In July 2009, Microsoft Bing came into an agreement with Yahoo where it allowed Bing to power search on Yahoo portal which was for 10 years. With the two giants tieing up to fight the monopoly of Google, it resulted in the favour for Microsoft as well as Yahoo.

‌‌Microsoft-Facebook collaboration: In the year 2012, Microsoft thought of partnering with Facebook which was the most used social networking site after Google with around 400 million user base to show Bing search results over world wide web (www) portal. It helped Microsoft Bing to acquire a decent percent of the market during that time. Google still remained the top player in search engines.

‌‌Microsoft-Apple partnership: In the next year, Microsoft Bing partnered with Apple and Apple decided to make Bing their search engine in apple products by nudging google out. It announced siri would leverage bing and not google in the year 2013.

‌‌Integrated windows search engine: Microsoft after launching its windows store to download apps, it integrated Bing as its search engine which again is a marketing strategy.

‌‌Option to personalize: Microsoft understands that people prefer to make their digital space personalised to get rich experiences and relatability. Bing allows a user to change the display, privacy, and suggestion settings to make them as his/her preference.

‌‌Bing ads service: Like Google, Microsoft Bing also provides the ad services on its search engine for people to market their products and services over the internet.

Bing Ads

‌‌Similar to Google ads, Bing ads give businesses a platform to run their ad campaigns to attract traffic and generate sales. Bing ads are one of the many tools of digital marketing. When we compare the market share of Bing search engine, we tend to ignore the importance of advertising there. But Bing gets over a billion unique users every month. So it is a mistake to ignore the power of Bing. With Microsoft Bing providing its independent ad services to businesses is another pros for Bing as it is relatively cheaper than google ads. It apparently has higher conversion rates, lower cost per click, cheaper conversions, lesser competition and many more than that of Google. The ad services again makes it attractive for people who are earning through digital marketing, affiliate marketing etc. And digital marketing as we all know is a growing sector.

‌‌‌‌‌‌Good user interface/experience: Microsoft Bing has a better user interface than Google with more colorful wallpapers, vibrant visuals, quality display, and easy accessibility to those features. It provides good user experiences as

  • It has integrated other Microsoft applications like PowerPoint, MS office, MS excel, MS edge etc. within the search engine.
  • It has better images displayed with horizontal layout so that users do not have to visit the host website unnecessarily like in Google when he/she just wants to preview the image.
  • it has advanced video search options as it will not direct you to YouTube to watch a video. Instead, it will let you watch it then and there.
  • It has an option of 'My saves' which provides users with a dedicated tab of their favorite searches and results.

However, Bing lags in the areas where Google is way ahead of the league like quick loading, bug detecting,data loading etc. which directly hampers the user experience. Some digital marketers may get annoyed because it may lead them to lose their potential conversions.


‌‌Microsoft Bing still has a task to do to compete with giants like Google. But because it is continuously working to make it more efficient in terms of user experience, advanced features, and ads services so that it can attract a good number of users in its basket, it has a bright future. It definitely has a decent share of the US market but it has a long way to travel to acquire decent global market share to become comparable with Google search engine. The innovative step of Microsoft Bing is being friends with the enemy's enemy. It kept on partnering with the giants which were already in competition with Google which helped it to get the little exposure it currently has.


What is Microsoft Bing used for?

Microsoft Bing is a search engine used widely to search over network. It ranks second most widely user search engine.

How effective is Bing advertising?

Bing Ads reach more than 60 million searchers that aren't reached with Google AdWords.

What is Bing best used for?

Bing has a significantly better video search.

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