Edmodo - About, Business & Revenue Model

Edmodo - About, Business & Revenue Model

Edmodo is an instructive innovation organization offering a correspondence, cooperation, and training stage to K-12 schools and instructors. The Edmodo network empowers educators to share content, appropriate tests, tasks, and oversee correspondence with understudies, associates, and guardians.

Edmodo was established by Nick Borg, Jeff O'Hara, and Crystal Hutter in 2008. It is sponsored by Index Ventures, Benchmark, Greylock Partners, Learn Capital, New Enterprise Associates, Union Square Ventures, Glynn Capital Management, Tenaya Capital, SingTel Innov8, and KDDI. As of July 2019, Edmodo professed to have over 100M clients worldwide. About half of these clients were in the US, with the rest being in 180 nations around the globe. Critical focuses exist in Singapore, Indonesia, Uruguay, and Italy. About 10% of these clients were instructors, a representation of how well known Edmodo is in study halls.

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Edmodo Business Plan

Below we will analyze the business plan that took Edmodo to the peak of success:

Client Segments

Edmodo is focused on educators, empowering them to work together, share assets, track understudy progress, and utilize intuitive showing apparatuses from one spot. The Edmodo stage is utilized by over 300,000 schools around the world. The Company's essential market is, where it gives the main social training stage among K-12 schools.

Behind the US Edmodo's biggest business sectors are Mexico, Australia, Colombia, and Canada. Notwithstanding serving educators, Edmodo is additionally focused on understudies and guardians. Understudies can partake in web-based learning and intuitive tests, while guardians can screen their youngster's school exercises, evaluations, and investment in school occasions.

Edmodo is using the web-based learning and intuitive tests to reach more clients


Edmodo's most prominent worth is that it makes the way toward making exercise substance, testing, and understudy observing a more straightforward, additional time productive and more open cycle for instructors and schools. The stage makes the learning cycle more straightforward, with educators ready to find what instructing strategies are best for which understudies and guardians ready to screen the advancement and execution of their youngsters.

The administration is allowed to utilize and accessible through web programs and versatile and tablet applications, permitting instructors, understudies, and guardians to cooperate and partake in the taking in experience from anyplace. The Company likewise furnishes instructors with progressing support, preparing projects and assets.

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The Edmodo stage can be gotten to through the Company's portable and work area sites at www.edmodo.com. The Company additionally has versatile and tablet applications accessible for iOS and Android.

Client Relationships

The Edmodo stage is accessible on a self-administration premise, with instructors, understudies, and guardians ready to enlist through the Edmodo landing page for nothing out of pocket. Understudies require a gathering code, given by their educator, to enlist, while guardians should have an exceptional parent code for their youngster. When enlisted clients can utilize the stage self-rulingly with no cooperation with Edmodo agents.

The stage's substance is network-driven, with educators, understudies and guardians urged to associate and team up with each other. Edmodo offers backing to its clients through its self-facilitated Help Center, which incorporates client instructional exercises, FAQs, and investigating guides, just as through a Community Support organization and direct connection. The Company likewise cooperates with its client network through its incorporation of a blog, a pamphlet, occasions, and its online media accounts.

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Key Activities

Edmodo is an instructive innovation organization that works as an online social learning stage for instructors, understudies, and guardians. The Company expects to make learning a more effective, inventive, and straightforward cycle. Its foundation empowers instructors to all the more effectively work together, share assets, discover exercise thoughts, and collaborate with guardians.

It additionally permits the two educators and guardians to all the more precisely screen the advancement of understudies and recognizes which strategies for instructing are best. Notwithstanding offering an online stage, the Company gives a scope of preparing and expert advancement courses to instructors with the goal that they can all the more successfully use the Edmodo innovation. Edmodo likewise works together with an organization of accomplices to make additional usefulness through local applications.

Edmodo works as an online social learning stage for instructors, understudies, and guardians

Key Partners

Edmodo accomplices with tech organizations, instructive bodies, content distributors, and subsidiary advertisers. The Company has vital associations with Microsoft, acquainting clients with the Office 365 cloud programming, and Cambridge University Press, incorporating new Cambridge University Press content for the improved straight GCSE capabilities.

Edmodo additionally has content associations with Khan Academy, LearnZillion, Oxford University Press, Better Lesson, and Sony Global Education, the principal accomplice to give Japanese substance. In Mexico, Edmodo has cooperated with SINADEP-SNTE, the nation's biggest instructor's association to bring together correspondence and joint effort among its individuals.

Edmodo engages expert teachers in one-to-one interactions with the students as well as their guardians

In 2012 Edmodo delivered its API and has since joined forces with a scope of engineers to make outsider applications that upgrade the Edmodo stage's usefulness. The Company additionally teams up with brand and channel accomplices to grow it's showcasing go and produce new clients.

Distinct advantages

Edmodo's distinct advantages are its product stage, its IT framework, its vital and substance associations, its workforce, and its client network. Searches of records held by the US Patent and Trademark Office recognized no patent applications documented in Edmodo's name.

Edmodo Revenue Model

Edmodo works under a freemium income model, giving free admittance to its social learning stage with the alternative for clients to pay for extra usefulness and administrations. The Company has three head income streams: its application commercial center, its preparation and expert improvement administrations, and its superior Snapshot administration.

Edmodo offers a scope of on the web and in-person preparing arrangements, including one day, in-person Edmodo Workshop and Edmodo Deployment programs valued at $2,500 per gathering of 25 instructors and a multi week online Edmodo in real life course evaluated at $7,500 per gathering of 25 educators. The Company likewise gives a four hour Certified Learner Course that should be haggled with a neighborhood salesman.

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Edmodo's exceptional Snapshot administration, which permits educators to all the more precisely check understudy progress, is purportedly valued at somewhere in the range of $1,275 and $2,000 every year, per school. Furthermore, the Edmodo commercial center proposals around 600 outsider instructive applications, some free and some paid-for. Premium applications, at different value focuses, can be authorized by instructors on a yearly, per homeroom premise

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