Actionable link building strategies that actually work in 2022 and beyond

Actionable link building strategies that actually work in 2022 and beyond

Statistics revealed that 55.24% of web pages have no backlinks. This proves that many businesses still lack knowledge about SEO and backlink building benefits.

Link building has always been a fundamental SEO strategy. But landing high-quality backlinks could prove challenging for those lacking knowledge and expertise in the sector. Because Google updates its algorithms periodically, SEO specialists must develop new strategies regularly to ensure their marketing campaigns are effective.

Suppose you want to optimise your website and increase its visibility, but have no idea how to build backlinks. In that case, you’re in the right place because this article presents some actionable recommendations you can replicate.

Link building is a strategy that enables websites to acquire backlinks from high-authority online resources. It aims to show search engines that the website is a reliable source of information and help it rank well on the search results pages for its target keywords.

Now let’s find out the best link building strategies you can use in 2022.

WIDGET: leadform | CAMPAIGN: Link Building

Create share-worthy content

This one is obvious, if you create high-quality shareable content, you can easily earn backlinks because other online resources will share your articles. Suppose you want other websites, publishers, bloggers, and companies to link to your website, create link-worthy content.

You’ve probably heard this piece of information a thousand times, but we cannot highlight its importance enough. Not many companies produce high-quality content that establishes them as an authority in their industry. But you should set your business aside and create content others find useful and worthy to share.

Curate industry statistics to encourage people to list your website as an authoritative resource when they need to link back to survey reports, research studies, and other articles that provide information about industry predictions, statistics, and trends. Don’t forget to include visual elements, as they capture attention easier and make the content more reader-friendly.

Take advantage of guest blogging

Guest blogging is one of the most effective link building methods. But as trends change, so do guest post approaches, and it’s best to collaborate with a company that provides link building services if you want to make sure that your guest blogging efforts get the intended outcome. They have experience creating guest blogs for companies and publishing them online.

For guest blogging to add SEO value to your website, you must adopt an authentic and strategic approach. If you don’t write a high-quality article, you won’t get the results you aim for. To acquire referral traffic, increased organic search, high search rankings, and high-quality backlinks, you need to:

  • Pick your guest posting websites carefully
  • Ensure the subjects you approach are relevant to your sector
  • Write about topics relevant to your public
  • Create a piece of content that helps your clients fix their problems
  • Share personal experiences
  • Include links to relevant resources that add more value to your piece of content

Get involved in local blogs through commenting

Another way to increase your brand’s visibility online is to comment on other blog posts on relevant websites. However, you need to do it tactfully because Google flagged this tactic in the past. It would help if you didn’t try to promote your websites by commenting on irrelevant articles. Make sure your comment doesn’t sound forced, and you include backlinks to your website in a subtle way that makes the other internet users think you provide a genuine recommendation. When commenting on other blog posts, your purpose is to build a good relationship with the community and establish connections with content writers and publishers.

  • Appreciate the author and praise their knowledge.
  • Comment only if you can add some meaningful insight about the subject.
  • Link to your website only if it adds more value to the post.
  • Start discussions by asking questions.

Start strategic content partnerships

Co-marketing is a well-known strategy that enables you to reach more internet users and build your brand authority faster than your competitors. Considering that partnering with other brands allows you to bank on their website’s authority, you can quickly establish your brand as a trustworthy name in your industry. One of the most effective ways to use co-marketing to your advantage is to reciprocally exchange backlinks with other reliable websites from your niche or a connected industry.

However, be careful when employing this strategy because link exchange is sometimes considered a negative link building strategy. It would be wiser to hire a professional link building agency to help you get backlinks and help you find other industry websites willing to exchange links naturally.

Join podcast shows

Podcasts are quite popular among internet users these days, as more and more people listen to them. It’s quite common for brands to build backlinks to their website by joining a podcast. Reach out to some podcasters in your niche, send them an outline for a piece of content you’d want to discuss, and ask them if they’re willing to offer you a backlink for sharing your expertise and knowledge with the public.

Podcasting is a great tool to reach new audiences because people of all ages listen to them on the go because they want to learn new things in an interactive manner. There are podcasts about all subjects you could imagine, so you won’t find it challenging to get interviewed on one.

Be active on social media

There’s no secret that being active on social media platforms can help your link building strategy in 2022. By creating profiles on social media and posting frequently, you can boost engagement and help the public discover your content. Your purpose is to provide them with pieces of content they find interesting enough to share with their audiences. The method can improve your brand’s visibility and even boost your link profile. It’s recommended to post frequently on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

These were some of the actional link building strategies you can employ this year if you want to improve your website’s ranking.

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