How to Create SaaS Product Demo Video? - 5 Simple Steps

How to Create SaaS Product Demo Video? - 5 Simple Steps

‌‌In the world of the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry, apart from the business model, demo videos help in attracting collective masses and also in influencing the audience towards a particular SaaS brand. It provides more value to new users who are visiting the platform for the first time since they require a first-hand guidelines on where to go, exact features, how to get started, and access. The more illustrative demos and tutorials are, the better.

In most simple words, it's similar in a way, just like representatives campaign themselves before elections, by providing an outline of what could be the upcoming policies and promises. It's more like a tool throwing shades of demonstrating content along with benefits, features, and uses and may generate adrenaline shots to influence more audiences. Hence, demo videos may contribute towards a steady and gradual rise in sales.

So if you want to create a unique demo video, Take a look at the steps below.

1. The ECG Model
2. Stick To Your Niche
3. Note Down Your Plan
4. Use Rich Graphics
5. Categorize Your Target Audience

1. The ECG Model

ECG- Evolving, Constant, Growth-Oriented Model. Before deciding the niche for the first video or every consecutive video, one must keep this model in mind.


It refers to evolving content (the demo video) that must have the latest volume. The video should track the ongoing trends and public interests zone. If the outline and plot of the video are story-based, it can either focus on presenting an ancient story with the latest touch and trends or it can have its own unique script.


It is dedicated to all the demo videos, a company launches irrespective of the niche. Each of them must have a few necessary sections demonstrating the guidelines; how the platform can be used; where to head; and other records so that the new users are not perplexed on their first visit.

Apart from the guidelines, the video may end up with a note of communication on how customers can reach, with provided emails or phone numbers for queries. However, this note of communication is not necessary to be present in the constant run.


This segment can have features of the service or the platform which make it stand out. This is the segment where founders can add their creativity and demonstrate how the platform is the best and make it their signature product, different from the existing ones in the run. This should tell why users should choose their (the company who launched the demo video) product. A positive answer to this ‘why’ will incline towards growth.

The mixture of the above-mentioned can create a unique demo video for SaaS players.

2. Stick To Your Niche

Stick to the kind of services provided on your platform, it's better to highlight it by zooming in on that region/button. Elaborate on the ease and convenience after pressing the submit or start button, nothing needs to be done after that.

It can also contain how the work is done behind the screen (maybe the calculations and computation), which will strengthen trust and transparency. Also, how the content can be arranged in a neat and accessible manner, how users get engaged etc.

3. Note Down Your Plan

It's always a better way to note down things and create an outline of what the demo video is going to be. It must have the proper sequence of events and activities with suitable graphics, matching the scenes. Segments of animation are separated from realistic visuals.

4. Use Rich Graphics

Rich Graphic Design used in a Demo Video
Rich Graphic Design used in a Demo Video

Rich graphic design is no less than a blessing to the script of a demo video. Oftentimes it acts as a game-changer factor for the rise in reach and sales. Components of the video may have various graphics ranging from captions, voiceover, animation, shapes, arrows, headers, highlighters, and a lot more.

Graphics should also match the targeted audience. If it's targeted towards teens then it can have animation and worldwide-known anime characters. A boring script can be illustrated fascinatingly if graphics are used in the right way.

Either it can set a trend (through core creative ways), dig out some old popular trend, a bouncer (by studying the pasts graph or maybe the 90s trend), or stick to the ongoing trends.‌‌‌‌

5. Categorize Your Target Audience

If a platform has ample existing demo videos, then the next step could be creating one which has specific information related to a particular age group, industry, or segment of society. This will help to attract collective conscience from a particular domain, convincing new users and existing ones to continue and stay on the platform.

If the product is a bit complex and new to the audience, could be coding and software, then the components of the video must be evocative and should not contain highly technical language and terminologies. This will not only help in increasing the statistical data of engagement among the known minds but also, will act as a mini explainer to a layman. Hence, it may also help to ignite the viewer's thought process.

3 Easy Steps to Create Kickass Video Tutorials for SaaS with 10 best Examples
With video, you have up to 12 minutes of undivided attention from your potential customers! So, check out these steps to create video tutorials for SaaS.


Here's a post-content creation step, which has a significant role. Choosing the application where the video is to be posted or launched. It's better to launch it on multiple outlets. YouTube is a well-known platform that can help in public relations and outreach. Follow these steps and create an incredible demo video for your SaaS product.


How do I create a great SaaS demo?

Create a video keeping in mind your targeted audience, Keep it simple, Address the pain points of your customers, and add customer success stories.

What is a SaaS demo?

A SaaS demo is a demo focused on customers that are new to your product. The demo video demonstrates how to make the best use of the platform while highlighting its features.

How do I create a SaaS product demo?

Focus on the pain point of your customers, show them how your product is better than the competitors, and use rich graphics in the video.

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