Top 15 Digital Marketing Trends Every Marketer should know for 2022

Top 15 Digital Marketing Trends Every Marketer should know for 2022

In recent events, many businesses opted for digital marketing as things weren’t the same after the Covid-19 Pandemic. Because people were purchasing or selling their products through digital to avoid human contact. Some businesses find it easy to market their products & services via a digital platform by using advanced and available marketing trends, meanwhile, some businesses still want to sustain themselves in the industry.

For instance, with the impact of the ongoing pandemic, various small-scale businesses failed to progress or market their products in the industry due to low connectivity with the real world or even worse, didn’t advance their marketing strategies according to the trend. In order to attain a top brand among the competitors, one business must apply trending digital marketing tools. Here, we have enlisted 22 digital marketing trends that will help your business to attain its objectives & goals effectively and efficiently.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Programmatic Advertising
Interactive Content
Conversational Marketing
5G Network
Social Media Marketing
Live stream
Omnichannel Marketing
VR Technologies
Geographical Marketing
Push Notification
Blockchain Applications
Quantum Computing
Green Marketing

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

With time changes, AI became a prominent element, especially in marketing. So; we have to also change certain things to survive in the digital world, especially opting for AI over traditional marketing. Recent studies stated that AI marketing helps a business to speed up its function by taking any automated decisions based on Data Analysis, Data collection, and other information to determine the audiences without any manual aids.

Programmatic Advertising

Without any intermediary to persuade the customers, businesses have started to install programmatic advertisements that do automated buying & selling of online advertising on various digital platforms. In other words, programmatic advertising delivers the right information to the right people at the right time, and this could be done, by analyzing the audience’s segmentation and using algorithm software.

Interactive Content

KitKat Interactive Advertisement
KitKat Interactive Advertisement

Nowadays, people look forward to interesting content rather than expatriate content. So, in the upcoming marketing trends, your business can use interactive content that will result in increased sales with increased leads. By means of this, add visual content, creative advertisement, infographic, images, videos, marketing billboards, and other elements to strengthen the brand and drive traffic.

Conversational Marketing

Two-way communication is key in conversational marketing, where people anticipate quick responses, as well as businesses, expect effective feedback. Therefore, a business should adapt to conversational marketing to augment customer engagement, experiences & revenue, say, Chatbots, which are automated to customer-centric and dialogue-driven approaches.

5G Network

As everyone knows, the upcoming future relies on the 5G Network that generates a global-based wireless standard. 5G Network empowers the Internet of Things (IoT) that promises a long-term potential service as IoT aids Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Another trend that has been ruling the digital world since its commencement is Social Media marketing. In recent times, social media has become a popular mode of marketing in generating a wide range of customers. Instagram, for instance, has nearly 130 million users, where users create brand awareness and introduce new products through Instagram algorithms, Instagram Live streams, shopping options, filters, and other features.


One-to-one marketing is done based on data analysis and digital technology to deliver individualized messages & product offerings according to the audience’s segmentation, i.e, interest, backgrounds, demographics, and many more.

How do Brands Leverage Moment Marketing? | Examples of Moment Marketing
Moment marketing is a marketing technique if done right can gain massive followers for your brand. So, here’s how top brands leverage moment marketing.

Live Stream

Live stream shopping is considered an effective marketing tool in 2022, where Live streaming enhances engagement, interaction, and viewers. The live stream is used to proclaim any brand news, information, product launch, and other live interviews. In this way, marketers can perform live streaming as a marketing trend to attain netizens’ attention.

Omnichannel Marketing

Nowadays, many businesses are adopting omnichannel marketing that corporate & connect various digital platforms to interact with customers. In omnichannel marketing, branding, messaging, and online and offline touchpoints are seamlessly integrated as customers move down the sales funnel, enabling a more engaging customer experience.

Consistency is the key to Omnichannel marketing, which allows businesses to adopt a consumer-centric approach that keeps the customer journey at the forefront.

VR Technologies

A virtual reality marketing campaign involves using virtual and augmented reality technology to promote brands and their products. The devices can make VR marketing visual, multi-sensory, or some combination thereof. Virtual reality headsets make VR marketing more powerful. While a VR Instagram filter overlays objects or pictures onto the camera view, an immersive experience is completely immersive.

Geographical Marketing

In marketing, geographical segmentation means targeting products to people who reside or shop in a specific area. When selling products that are influenced by regional differences in culture, climate, or population, this approach will be especially useful. Conducting a proper survey will help to market the products & services according to their location. Like seven sisters, demand production of umbrellas, so businesses can sell rainy season products to those regions that augment business profit.

Push Notification

Push Notifications
Push Notifications

In push notification marketing, marketers send browser notifications on a variety of devices to their target audience to inform them of services and products. In a push notification, a short message is sent to the user's mobile or desktop, prompting them to act with an intention to make them acquire a purchase. Push notifications have the advantage that you can time them and you can even customize them to fit your specific circumstances.

Blockchain Applications

A blockchain is a shared, immutable network of ledgers that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets among business networks. Blockchain offers immediate, shared, and transparent information since it stores information on a ledger that can only be accessed by network members with permission. Besides, the blockchain network can track orders, payments, production, sales, accounts, and so on.

Quantum Computing

To perform calculations, quantum computing uses the collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement. Quantum computing can be used to generate huge amounts of data to study shoppers.

Green Marketing

Recently many countries joined together during an environment summit 20 intending to manage climate change by eliminating negative aspects. For this, various businesses promote such products based on the environmental benefit which plays as eco-friendly to the company as well as to the surroundings. In order to obtain green marketing, one such business should manufacture sustainable trends, eliminating toxic manufacturing, producing recyclable goods, using a 3Rs system while producing goods & services.

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Do you love Marketing? Which is your Favourite? Here, we’ve made a list of some Insane Marketing Strategies that were successfully implemented. Check the article.


Digital marketing is one of the fastest-growing industries. It is one of the most valuable assets of any startup or company. It is an evergreen industry and the only possibility to survive is to stay notified about the growing trends in the digital marketing industry.


Artificial Intelligence, Personalized advertising, green marketing and push notifications are some of the future trends in digital marketing.

What is the next major trend in digital marketing?

The next major trend in digital marketing is Chatbots.

What will marketing look like in 2025?

Customer lifetime value will be the main priority of marketers in 2025.

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