Top 6 Must Try Spotify Podcast Alternatives
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In the recent years, Podcasts have been one of the most flourishing content. It is considered to be the next big thing in the content industry. Every time someone talks about a podcast the first mobile application that comes to everyone’s mind is Spotify. In this article, we will discuss about the best alternative mobile applications you can use instead of Spotify. You can use these to listen to your favourite podcasts.
Pocket Casts
Google Podcasts
Player FM
Pocket Casts
Pocket Casts is one of the best alternative apps which you can use instead of Spotify. It is an app that you can use to listen to a wide range of podcasts. It has a lot of features an easy user interface, light and dark themes, etc.
Their search and filtering options are really useful. Some of their useful features include trim silence, increasing the variable speed between 5x and 3x, volume boost, chapter navigation, etc. The platform even provides apple watch controls.

Another useful feature of the platform is that they have a sync option. This will let you pick the podcast from where you left in another device.
The platform works on the basis of a freemium model which means it is free to use but it also has a paid subscription model. The mobile app is available for both Android and IOS users.
Downloads (Android) - 1m+
Playstore Rating - 4.3
Size (Android) - 9.9mb
Google Podcasts
Google had released its own podcast app in June 2018. Google uses AI for transforming the podcasts for better. They provide smarter recommendations through their podcast platform. They use AI for suggesting the podcasts according to your likes and interests.

You can listen to any of your favourite podcasts which include popular shows like The Daily, Modern Love, The Bill Simmons Podcast, and many more. Google Podcast mobile application is available for both android and IOS users.
Downloads (Android) - 50m+
Playstore Rating - 4.7
Size (Android) - 1.9mb
Player FM
Player FM is a platform that lets you play and manage podcasts across different platforms and hence it is a multiplatform mobile application. You can use Player FM and play podcasts on your web, mobile, and even smart watches. They provide access to over 20 million podcast episodes and recently they had partnered with Podcast hosts Libsyn and Buzzsprout.

Their content library will be updated multiple times during the day which lets you access the trending shows and the most recent releases. They have around 20 million podcast episodes with more than 500 sub categories concentrating on different niches.
The platform is consistently ranked in the top 10 podcast player apps worldwide. The mobile application is available for both android and IOS users.
Downloads (Android) - 5m+
Playstore Rating - 4.6
Size (Android) - 28mb
Castbox is another app that can be a replacement for Spotify. This platform was launched in the year 2018 but has gained a lot of popularity and great reviews in such a short span of time. They have some impressive features which make them quite different.

The platform has won many awards from Google and Apple in the last couple of years. The platform is available for both android and IOS users. It is also available on Amazon Echo Skill, Apple Watch, and CarPlay support.
Downloads (Android) - 10m+
Playstore Rating - 4.7
Size (Android) - 37mb
Laughable is a podcast app that focuses more on comedy. The application even provides various other options for podcast listeners.
Through laughable you can subscribe to podcasts of all genres and also directly to thousands of Comedians, actors, athletes, journalists, musicians, politicians, and authors. They let you subscribe and listen to people who are worth listening to.
It is very easy to find your favourite podcast and to listen to their newly released podcasts. The application has been featured on the apple store a couple of times.
Laughable has unique features and data. For example, the Laughable artist graph. This is a feature that shows how the audience overlaps the top podcasters and comedians. The mobile application is available for both android and IOS users.
Downloads (Android) - 10k+
Playstore Rating - 4.0
Size (Android) - 10mb
It is one of the most famous apps for listening to podcasts. The application has won many awards. One of the best features of the platform is that you can search on the basis of episodes not just the entire podcast.

Stitcher also works on the basis of a freemium model and has a paid subscription model as well where you can remove ads and listen to original shows. Stitcher lets you create playlists, find new podcasts, listen to the news, and so on.
The mobile application is available for both android and IOS users.
Downloads (Android) - 5m+
Playstore Rating - 2.6
Size (Android) - 25mb
What is a podcast and how do they work?
A podcast is a series of episodes. These episodes are audio files that are likely stored with a podcast hosting company.
Are podcasts for free?
Yes, there are many podcast available for free.
What are the best podcasts 2020?
The top 5 podcast of 2020 are Nice White Parents, Code Switch, Staying In With Emily and Kumail, You Must Remember This, and Outsiders.
These are some of the best alternative apps you can use to listen to podcasts instead of Spotify.
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