6 Easy-To-Learn Technical Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Know

6 Easy-To-Learn Technical Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Entrepreneurs in the age of digital media and the internet have a lot on their plate. Increased competition has highlighted the importance of adopting technical methods and skills to keep your business stable and progressing. There is vast array of technical strategies and tactics that people apply in their business planning to keep their brand relevant and known.

"Even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15% of one's financial success is due one's technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skill in human engineering, to personality and the ability to lead people."
- Dale Carnegie, American writer and lecturer

Unfortunately, not all entrepreneurs have formal technical learning and therefore do not consider themselves a website builder expert. In fact, the basis of entrepreneurship is selling a product or service. Technical knowledge can improve your ability to market your brand with much more efficiency. Here are some crucial yet easy to grasp skills that every entrepreneur should know.


As complex as it sounds, modern-day technologies have made coding, including the use of HTML, quite simple for even novice entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur these days can easily be the programmer of his own business website or blog.

There are tons of courses available online that teach all the necessary knowledge, tips and tricks for successful coding approaches and amendments. Learning how to manage the algorithms of your own website can significantly help you cut down the expenses you’d otherwise spend on programmers. Khan Academy, Codecademy and Code.org offer free online coding courses that can be helpful for entrepreneurs.

Wireframe is another useful technique associated with coding that can help you to understand the mechanisms of web development and designing. Understanding how web technology works can also help you to communicate and deal better with your digital teams and producers.

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Search Engine Optimization:

Successful SEO is similar to building blocks. You can arrange and rearrange until you get your desired proportions and start noticing a visible change in your website statistics and activity. Optimized content is absolutely necessary if you want to grow as an entrepreneur.

Gimmicks that help redirect traffic to your website are actually quite easy to learn. Having the right blend of correct keywords and accurate keyword research, providing relevant and reader-friendly information, linking pages from your website and other websites and distributing the burden on your site to reduce loading time are some ways that you can excel at SEO.

Neglecting SEO could do serious harm to the ranking of your site and it could be removed from mainstream search results. Creating and managing SEO-friendly content is a handy skill that helps you attain a significant boost in your brand marketing.

Read Also: How to Create Quality Content that Ranks & bring Quality Traffic

Conversion Rate Optimization:

CRO is essentially a part of SEO, which means to present your content in a way so as to develop more customers from your visitors. It includes understanding the customer’s mind, analyse his needs and then experiment with your site data accordingly in order to generate more revenue and passive income. It is a mix of marketing and technical strategies.

CRO enables you to optimize your website’s functionality, while helping you understand the whys and hows of visitor behavior. The fact is, your site never reaches its maximum potential until it’s rigorously experimented.

Web Designing Skills:

Graphic designing is another skill that is vital for entrepreneurs in terms of creativity and communication. Eye-catching graphics can grasp the visitor’s attention and eventually persuade them to take action.

A website with an attractive interface, logo, colour themes and font isn’t too difficult to create. You can use software such as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to create suitable logos and thumbnails.

Hosting websites conveniently offer amazing and unique themes for both basic and premium domains. This is something that an entrepreneur can do just with the help of his imagination and some basic operational knowledge of good software.

Read Also: How to Choose the Perfect Logo for your Startup
Read Also: The Best Website Designing Tools for Businesses

Content and E-mail Marketing:

Without content, your website is useless. Without proper marketing, your content becomes useless too. Keep the content on your website useful, relevant, concise and updated. Unattractive, unverified and basic content and information is a big turn off for customers in the entrepreneurship world.

Naturally, an entrepreneur's topmost priority should be the focus on the quality and presentation of his content that would help him keep his business running and the money rolling in. An entrepreneur who also knows how to write to sell is definitely a customer's delight.

E-mail marketing is a vast and highly critical platform for marketing and reaching out to millions of users. With just a subject line to represent his entire brand, an entrepreneur must know exactly what he’s trying to sell and why he wants a customer to buy it. Keep your e-mail inbox decluttered and organized, have templates designed and customised yourself to give them maximum authenticity.

User Experience:

An entrepreneurs’ source of earning is the user, as a potential customer. Each user who visits your digital platform, whether your website, e-mail or social media decides to take a deep dive only on the basis of how user-friendly the platform is. This includes a swift accessibility, interactivity and responsiveness. Content marketing and writing, SEO and CRO form the basis of a fruitful and magnetic user experience. If the entrepreneur learns how to keep the user engaged, he can successfully market his product without spending too much on advertisements or other strategies.


In any business department, from accounting to sales to procurement to front office, technology comes in handy. So, knowing how that technology works to power the various operations in your business will put you a step ahead of the rest. Technicalities and strategies go way beyond their basic and simplified forms. Nevertheless, learning a few basic skills could make the world of difference to your success as an entrepreneur.

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