How to Be a Good Boss | 10 Ways?

How to Be a Good Boss | 10 Ways?

Becoming the leading head of any company or office is a great honour and opportunity. It always gives a feeling of superiority and strength. As the boss, people get respect, attention, and love from their employees. However, this is not always the case as bosses might become the center of gossip, the one person, the employees dislike with passion and other issues around the workplace. It is better to know that respect is earned, thus, the question arises, how to become a good boss?

According to a report, 86% of companies say developing new leaders is an urgent need. Here are a few ways to accomplish how one can be a proper boss. You Know that when someone is the boss, employees follow their command and just because they do that, doesn't mean they are doing that happily and it also does not mean they are always entitled to follow the boss's command. There are qualities of a good boss that one must possess so as to garner the respect that is required from the subordinate. In this article, we will talk about those qualities.

Make Goals Together With the Employees
Be a Good Listener
Celebrate Success With Employees
Remember That Mistakes Can Happen
Identify Employees’ Development Needs
Conflict Resolution
Be a Good Example
Encourage a Good Relationship Among Them
Admit Your Mistakes

Make Goals Together With the Employees

It is very important to let employees feel that they really are a part of the company and not just puppets. Let them feel that they belong in there, like a big family. Employees also have goals, not just for themselves but for the company, too. So, make the employees aware that when the company continues to grow, they will also grow with it. Most of them build their future in the company they work for, so help them to realize it that the growth is also for their own benifit.

Be a Good Listener

Not everyone can be a good listener but in a team, this quality is extremely important to have in a leader. Listening to employees and their problems and attend to their needs is one of the prime responsibility of a leader. Do not focus only on self-growth, try to understand and know the issues, employees are facing and help them find a way out. This is very important to become a good and respectful boss.

Celebrate Success With Employees

In a business, success is not just about you, it should be enjoyed by the whole team because all of them have worked hard for it. Treat your employees to a meal or anything that would simplify the celebration of success and thanksgiving. Do not forget to thank them for the success because they are part of it and make them realise that, the success could not have been achieved without them.

Remember That Mistakes Can Happen

We are human, and mistakes are bound to happen. Although being a perfectionist is important but one also has to remember and consider that mistakes do happen. There are times when bosses might have to consider these mistakes and let them go. When there is proof that it was not committed intentionally, understand why it has happened and do not take too long to forgive.

Identify Employees’ Development Needs

Conduct training for employees to develop their skills and allow them to gain more
knowledge about new innovations and ideas. Have personality-building sessions for employees to allow them to grow personally. Every employee needs growth and a boss must take care of that, when there will be growth of an employee, the company will definitely get benefited from it.

Conflict Resolution

As this is a company, so arguments and conflicts can happen anytime, it is inevitable. When there are conflicts in the office, pacify employees as soon as possible and stay neutral towards the causes. Try to see the matter from different point of views. Being biased will only create rifts between the boss and employees, so be impartial.


When somebody commits a mistake, do not scold them right in front of their workmates but call his attention and inform him about the issue. When someone has done something good, do not hesitate to appreciate them and if possible, give a reward. With this, they will feel more motivated, enthusiastic and important to the organization. It is not one of the most successful methods to become a good and respected boss.

Be a Good Example

When you are the boss, your responsibility becomes double, so be the version of yourself, so your employee can draw inspiration from you. Remember that in the office, everyone is working in one team. Avoid doing things that may disappoint others and reduce their respect for you. Do not allow this saying to come true, “Follow what I say but do not follow what I do.”

Encourage a Good Relationship Among Them

Team work makes a dream work. When you are in a team, you must have a good relationship with your group mates a proper coordination is required. A healthy work environment will help employees work well and thus the company will get the taste of success. When they feel comfortable with each other, they can avoid conflicts and concentrate on getting their work done with ease. Do some in-office activities that will encourage them to mingle with each other and have a good relationship amongst them.

Admit Your Mistakes

As mentioned above, when you are a human , mistakes are inevitable they are bound to happen. What makes you different, is your way of acknowledging it and not repeating the same mistake again. When a mistake is committed by the boss, they should admit it and be sorry for it. Seeing this humility will make employees trust the leadership qualities of the boss.


Being a friend to employees is the first step towards being a good boss. Do not pretend to be somebody else. Be honest in dealing with them and do not build huge blocks for interaction. The more approachable one is, the easier it is to pacify conflicts and solve issues. A good boss results a into a good company, if an employee is happy with their boss, the possibility of growth of that company increases.


What are the Three Qualities that make a Good Boss?

The three qualities that make a good boss are, high EQ, Honesty and the ability to motivate.

What are Good Bossess like?

Good bosses earn respect from their employees not demand them.

Are bosses always right?

Bossess are not right everytime, when the made mistake they should apologise for it.

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