CamfyVision Innovations- Making Lives Better with Artificial Intelligence

CamfyVision Innovations- Making Lives Better with Artificial Intelligence

Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. The content in this post has been approved by the organization it is based on.

CamfyVision is an artificial intelligence-driven product based company proficient to solve extremely complex problems.

The company’s mission is to create the world a safer place by one identification ‘Face’. While its vision is to establish CamfyVision as a global leader in facial recognition technology.

CamfyVision - Company Highlights

Startup Name CamfyVision
Headquarter Bengaluru
Founder Vedpal Singh
Sector Artificial Intelligence
Founded 2018
Parent organisation CamfyVision Innovationd Pvt. Ltd

CamfyVision - About
CamfyVision - Industry Details
CamfyVision - Founders and Team
CamfyVision - The Idea and Starting Up
CamfyVision - Name, Tagline and Logo
CamfyVision - Product
CamfyVision - Revenue Model
CamfyVision - Customer Acquisition
CamfyVision - Challenges
CamfyVision - Competitors
CamfyVision - Achievements
CamfyVision - Advisors and Mentors
CamfyVision - Future Plans

CamfyVision - About

CamfyVision is an artificial intelligence-driven product based company proficient to solve extremely complex problems. The company is working on emerging technologies like artificial intelligence/ machine learning/ deep learning and computer vision. CamfyVision team has expertise in product development in the same domain with industry experience in India & abroad.

Camfyvision has developed an intelligent facial analytics solution ‘FacEAI-PRO’ based on deep learning, which is highly scalable, better performance, ready-to-deploy solution for schools/pre-schools and corporate sector. The company is looking to file patent for the same.  

CamfyVision - Industry Details

With the help of artificial intelligence, the manufacturers are getting many benefits such as- automated and fast production, innovation of many AI based consumer products, quick decision making etc. Consumers also get benefits like more personalized products, online product suggestions based on buying pattern and on time services. Owing to these benefits, Artificial intelligence is being used more and more in Consumer goods industry.

Thе mаrkеt ѕіzе оf AI ѕоftwаrе аnd ѕуѕtеmѕ is expected to reach $38 million by 2025. Facial Recognition Market is expected to garner $9.6 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR of 21.3% during the forecast period 2016-2022.

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CamfyVision - Founders and Team

CamfyVision was founded by Vedpal Singh

CamfyVision Founder, Owner
CamfyVision Founder - Vedpal Singh

Vedpal Singh was born in a middle-class farmer family in village Radour, located in Saharanpur, Western Uttar Pradesh. Prior to starting CamfyVision, he worked with Mindtree as a technical lead in computer vision & artificial intelligence. Vedpal has done his B.Tech from UPTU and M.Tech from Kurukshetra University. He did Ph.D. from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in Malaysia.

CamfyVision is a team of 9-passionate team members ready to take any challenges with excellent technical and business development skills.

CamfyVision Team

CamfyVision - The Idea and Starting Up

I got this idea while I was discussing with my friend who is associated with one boarding school.  

Vedpal’s friend asked him about any possible solution to create a safer environment in boarding schools to avoid any mishappening without human intervention. Vedpal started to research about the possible issues in schools/pre-schools related to child safety. The research concluded that plenty of incidents are happening on regular basis in India and rest of the world related to sexual harassment, mental abuse, physical abuse, depression and kids’ infighting, murder and many more. That's when the idea stuck Vedpal and decided to work and solve above-mentioned issues through facial recognition. The product was launched in Oct 2018.

In the early stage, Vedpal himself used to meet people and collect feedbacks, which helped in product improvement a lot. Currently, the Company’s channel partners help in growing the business.

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CamfyVision name consists of two words Camfy & Vision, which means camera based visualization. As we can understand the name entirely justifies what they are do.

CamfyVision's tagline is ‘welcome to innovate’ indicates the research-oriented foundation of CamfyVision.

CamfyVision Logo

CamfyVision - Product

CamfyVision is a facial recognition based analytics company. It has developed facial recognition & analytics solution ‘FacEAI-PRO’ based on deep-learning & computer vision. It can detect faces with higher accuracy and track them using developed algorithms, which are highly compatible with every IP camera in both indoor and outdoor environments. FacEAI-PRO can also generate alarms, reports in real time and needs minimal training to operate.

Some other products of the company are - Intelligent Traffic Management System which detects red light violation, over speed, e-challan generation, wrong way,No Parking detection, Congestion detection and vehicle classification.

Video Precis, which helps in watching hours of videos in minutes and Critical Infrastructure protection services.

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CamfyVision - Revenue Model

CamfyVision provides customized solution for customers. Therefore, the company has estimated separate costing according to the customer requirement. The revenue model is based on annual subscription of software and hardware costing of the product.

CamfyVision - Customer Acquisition

The major attraction of our product is higher accuracy and suitable cost.

CamfyVision realized that channel partners are the best way to acquire customers in a short span of time rather than establish their own marketing and sells team. CamfyVision collaborated with various channel partners in India, which proved to be quite helpful in growing CamfyVision faster.    

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CamfyVision - Challenges

The major challenge faced by CamfyVision team was in sales. To overcome this obstacle, CamfyVision conducted various live demos and free trials for potential customers. Another big challenge faced by CamfyVision was to make a team of the right innovative persons with one collaborative goal.

CamfyVision - Competitors

CamfyVision’s considers Panasonic facial recognition system ‘FacePRO’ as its major competitors. They have added some additional features with great impact and is ready to strongly compete with Panasonic.

CamfyVision - Achievements

CamfyVision got selected in NASSCOM. The company is developing and growing under the great incubation of NASSCOM-CoE-IoT, Bangalore.

CamfyVision - Advisors and Mentors

CamfyVision is working and growing under the great guidance of Mr. Rajiv Kumar, a partner in one of the leading CA firm M/s NDA & Associates having offices in Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore. rajiv has more than 25 years of experience in corporate handling entire finance division.

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CamfyVision - Future Plans

CamfyVision is under the process of deployments of their product in India and abroad at the same time. In the coming years, the Company is planning to establish its customer base in Southeast Asian countries.

WIDGET: questionnaire | CAMPAIGN: Simple Questionnaire 

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