Boost Your Entrepreneurial Skills With 7 Online Courses For Entrepreneurs
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The digital transformation of the world has created an abundance of knowledge online to teach us, when we don’t have the opportunity to learn from a mentor or guide ourselves. With the help of online courses, we can apply some structured guidance to how we approach our interpersonal interactions, entrepreneurial pursuits, and even the way we think. These hyper-focused, organized lesson plans can help us hit refresh and streamline our paths to success.
Amidst the global outbreak of a lethal pandemic, many of us are surviving the lockdown at our home with some extra time on our agendas at our comfort level. To support those forced to join the office exodus, many online platforms, universities and distance learning organizations are offering free access to their courses.
Harvard Business School-Online Lessons
Blockchain For Business: The New Industrial Revolution
The Complete Product Management Course
Artificial Intelligence: Stanford University
Content Marketing Essentials: Udacity
The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship: Guy Kawasaki
Body Language For Entrepreneurs
Other Online Courses For Entrepreneurs

Maybe this the perfect time, so that an entrepreneur can boost up their career at their own comfort level. There is a list of some of the top 7 online courses for entrepreneurs, which can take your mind off things and help you gain a skill or two. This can boost your career at the same time for free, or a small fee. Because when there is a need to master a wide range of skills, then it’s wrong to waste a single second of your time.
Harvard Business School-Online Lessons

Harvard Business School is consistently ranked as the top business school in the world. Since the beginning of the outbreak, when there was this prediction of staying home for a long time, they came up with free interactive business lessons that you can complete online. These lessons are now open for everyone who wants to advance their careers with core business concepts, from leaders to students.
The course offered was: Entrepreneurship essentials and leadership principles, but there is plenty for everyone. This is a great way to stay engaged and sharpen your business skills by learning from the best. Keep an eye out for the next deadline.
Blockchain For Business: The New Industrial Revolution
This course is over five and a half hours, which breaks down how blockchain technology works and today’s conception of the potential impact it has on society. If you’re confused about what blockchain is, then this course is made up of you. By the end of the course, you’ll have a firmer sense of what ‘decentralization’ is, and how blockchain is shaping the future of transaction or exchange.

With its clarity in terms, it provides various examples of how large corporations including UBS, Allianz, IBM, Kodak and a range of industries from finance to retail to logistics are using blockchain technology to improve security and efficiency, as well as what developments are on the horizon and challenges the tech will face in scaling.
The Complete Product Management Course
Do you ever wonder how organizations like Apple, NASA, and Ticketmaster design their products? This course is designed to give entrepreneurs a deeper understanding of what it takes to bring a product from “idea to launch”, and how to develop strategies and concepts for products, coordinate their development, analyze and validate ideas and help them grow.
It features case studies from NASA, Google, Zappos, and many more. This course also teaches you the fundamentals of Agile Development and industry-standard tools like Pivotal Tracker, Axure, and Popplet.
Artificial Intelligence: Stanford University

This online learning program is based on a course offered at Stanford University, taught by Sebastian Thrun, co-founder of Udacity, CEO of the Kitty Hawk Corporation and founder of Google’s self-driving car project, and Peter Norvig, director of research at Google. There is a prerequisite for the course, however: a background in probability theory and linear algebra.

For a crash course on AI and its applications, head to Udacity for Intro to Artificial Intelligence. In the 4- month course, students can start from the basics of machine learning as well as how statistics, logic, and planning come into play with AI. Then from there, they are going to learn how AI comes into play, per se, move onto the applications lesson segment of the course. They further provide you with insights into image processing, natural language, and processing robotics.

Content Marketing Essentials: Udacity

Udacity is an online platform devoted to digital marketing and since Content Marketing is part of it, then Content Marketing Essentials is one of its components. The creator of the course is Hubspot, a marketing software company. They have developed the syllabus to help students plan content marketing strategy and measure its reach and effectiveness.

Basically, the program starts with the segment involving the planned content to best which further communicates a marketing message. Further, the course heads on with content creation through storytelling, curation, and other techniques, followed by distribution, promotion, and tracking.
This crash course also provides tips for designing the user experience (UX) of a website, where actually the content resides, to resonate with readers. In the end, it provides real-world examples of careers in content marketing and gives prospective hires and hiring managers alike a sense of what makes a successful job candidate in the field.
The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship: Guy Kawasaki
An Apple-alumni and Canva evangelist Guy Kawasaki is sharing his experience as an investor and entrepreneur in this class. It states the each and every step process of starting a business, covering launching, pitching, fundraising, building a team, using social media, and evangelizing in over 56 lectures and 4 hours of content. Described as highly informative and entertaining, Guy uses real-world examples to show you the dos and don’ts of being an entrepreneur. You will definitely be inspired to get your startup off the ground.

Body Language For Entrepreneurs
Now, this is a sort of important inter-personal skill that every entrepreneur should have. So, whether you are leading a meeting, negotiating with partners, or making a media appearance, it’s important that you master this skill. Body Language for Entrepreneurs teaches “nonverbal communication to increase your income and influence as a business owner” in scenarios like networking, public peaking and delivering an elevator pitch, in order to nail it. Because, it’s not what you say it, but how you say it.
The fact the course states that “93 percent of our communication is nonverbal,” and it’s visible in your online presence, during your interactions with customers, as you connect with colleagues and in just about every other professional scenario involving another human being.

This course reaches not only for entrepreneurs but students on the flip side can apply the same strategies to get a better read on prospective hires, potential clients, and others.
Other Online Courses For Entrepreneurs
- Startup India L & D Programme by UpGrad
- Inbound Marketing
- Inbound Sales
- Starting-up Post COVID
- Startup School by Y Combinator
- Understanding Design Thinking
- Introduction to Managerial Accounting
- Managerial Economics
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Human Computer Interaction
- Introduction to Data Analytics
- Financial Statement Analysis and Report
- Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
- Enhancing Soft Skills & Personality
- Consumer Behaviour
- Economics of PR
- Economics/ Management/ Entrepreneurship
- Web Development with HTML and CSS
- Android Programming
- Amazon Web Services

Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all learning new things each day. As an entrepreneur, it is important to keep learning and to quit thinking that you stop learning at a certain age. Picking up new skills is a lifelong, ongoing process, and it becomes even more necessary when you are the helm of things with a whole workforce looking up to you for motivation. However, in this age of fast-changing technologies, it wouldn’t suffice to be a jack of all trades.

You will need to have a basic understanding of a wide range of topics. This doesn’t, however, mean that you need to pay humongous tuition fees and attend classes. You can learn new things and pick up newer skills from the comfort of your home through online courses.
Whether you choose to read books, take free online courses, or join a local entrepreneur’s group, the most important thing is that you never stop learning.
Must have tools for startups - Recommended by StartupTalky
- Convert Visitors into Leads- SeizeLead
- Website Builder SquareSpace
- Manage your business Smoothly Google Business Suite