5 Best Tips About How To Make Online Portfolio

5 Best Tips About How To Make Online Portfolio

There can be a thousand reasons why you would want to make an impressive portfolio. You might be looking for a job, an internship or simply you want to update it to include all of your latest projects. What is a portfolio? It's like a professional introduction letter that contains all the relevant information about a person like his work experience, projects, skills, his all-round personality and his contact information. It is also an important tool to show why you might be different and also better than others.

Even students with practically zero work experience can build their portfolio. That can include their academic work, school or college projects, workshops attended, participation in competitions, photos or publications in magazines and newspapers.

Here we will give you five best tips about how to make online portfolio which will be suiting you and will be efficient enough to showcase your talent and abilities.

1. Put your best foot forward

Make Online Portfolio as the First Impression is the Last Impression
Make Online Portfolio as the First Impression is the Last Impression

The main objective is to impress the person who is reading your portfolio. First impressions do matter because they help you get a good head-start. Make sure you show the best among your work. Include photos and diagrams that best illustrate your skill and style. Get good designer tools to make the pictures high end and impressive. Make sure you choose a good presentation format that is comfortable to the reader, highlights your skills and best work but also gives an all-round idea about you. The digital format is one of the most widely used as it can be immediately sent and can also be easily edited and updated. So, you should make online portfolio in order to leave good impression on your boss or client by using the good designer tools.

2. Rearrange and tell a good story

Make Online Portfolio and Style It in Your Own Way.
Make Online Portfolio and Style It in Your Own Way.

It's always a wise decision to constantly change and update your portfolio. Rearrange what's already there and tell it in a better way. This works particularly well with physical portfolios but you can also do this with online portfolios. Always remember: the career defining and your best projects go first. And it's never a bad idea to also include a few of your independent side-projects. On the whole the person who is reading your portfolio should be convinced that you have skills and you are sincere. You can make online portfolio as there, you can use different tools for completing your task.

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3. A bit of show off to prove that you are good

Make Online Portfolio in such a manner where you can Show off Your Skills.
Make Online Portfolio in such a manner where you can Show off Your Skills.

Let's start off with a fair warning: don't overdo this. You don't want others to think that you are like the conceited man in "The Little Prince". Your main aim here is to show that you are capable in your field of work. If you have some really happy past clients, a favourite professor or best commissions then you can always ask them to write a brief but good recommendation for you. This is really important. If you have done some good work then you deserve some appreciation for it.

Keep a simple and sophisticated cover to present the portfolio. In the first few pages you can include a brief and relevant description about yourself. Give contact information. Include an About section and make it engaging and conversational. Avoid adjectives and it's best to stick to the conventional series of content: Home, About, Latest work, News, Contact.

4. Easy navigation

Make the Portfolio in such a manner that, it should have Easy Navigation.
Make the Portfolio in such a manner that, it should have Easy Navigation.

You may have some real good things to add to your portfolio but it might all go to waste if you cannot arrange your portfolio in a way that the reader finds it easy to navigate through. Make it as systematic as possible. If it's a physical portfolio then make sure to include page numbers, chapter headings, color coordination. Arrange the content in a chronological order. And then comes the background. You don't want the artist inside you to let loose while you are writing your portfolio. Make sure that the background doesn't distract the reader from the actual content. Use neutral colors to highlight the graphic elements. Order and simplicity is very important.

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5. Include a photo of yourself

Make the Portfolio with Your Photo for Better Visibility.
Make the Portfolio with Your Photo for Better Visibility.

Just because we are talking about photos doesn't mean that you go and take a really artsy monochrome shot of yourself and put it on your portfolio. We are talking of a professional looking and high quality portrait of you that doesn't go beyond your head and shoulders. You can always design programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw, AdobeinDesign, Issuu and Calameo. Avoid white backgrounds. Online magazines hate them.

All of us want to bag that dream interview and live the plan that we sketched out in our mind. Well, that takes a lot of effort and some really good presentation skills. A good portfolio or a resume is one of the most important tools that we need to succeed. Make sure that you give adequate amount of thinking and time to create the right portfolio. It's worth the hard work.

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