Lead Generation With Webinar - A Complete Guide

Lead Generation With Webinar - A Complete Guide

Webinars are everywhere these days, especially with the Covid-19 situation, the use of Webinars have increased. Every other business stands on the marketing capacity of Webinars and when it comes to selling knowledge-based products like some courses or E-books, they are the lifesavers.

According to a report, 73% of B2B marketers said webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads and over 60% of marketers use the webinar as a part of their content marketing campaign.

The webinar will allow you to run interactive sessions among the participants in real-time. You may share information or discuss premium strategies using Webinar. In this article, we will cover how through webinars you can generate leads for your business.

What Are Webinars?
Uses of Webinar
Features of Webinar
Benefits of Webinars
Limitations of Webinar
How to Promote Your Webinar?
Some Pro-tips for Webinars

What Are Webinars?

Ever been to any seminar? This is the same, except, anyone can visit it from anywhere and many times, it's free for visitors. Webinars are like Instagram live feature, except it is far more useful than Instagram live. Webinars are mostly live streaming videos to share knowledge.

Although the presenter is the main person to talk to in a webinar, it is much more interactive than a usual seminar. Anyone can comment and ask questions while the webinar is going on. Moreover, you can provide a voice chat feature in your webinar as well.

Uses of Webinar

Webinars are very useful in many ways. Through them, you can market products, explain the features of your product to your potential customers, introduce new technologies, and many more things. Some uses of webinars are listed below:

  • To Improve SEO
    The biggest importance of webinars is that they improve the SEO of the website. Many websites conduct webinars every once in a while just to improve their ranking.
  • To Generate Leads
    Webinars bring people to watch you because through it you provide value to them. While providing value you can also advertise your product to them. Even if you don't do that, many people will check out your product themselves. This will help to generate leads.
  • For Launching New Products
    If you want to launch and generate leads for your new products but are not looking forward to spending tons of money on them, you can use webinars. You can provide the information about your new product in a webinar and with that a link to buy that product.
  • To Educate People
    Not only just normal education but you can use webinars to educate people about how to use your product.
  • To Identify Potential Customers
    Webinars attract potential customers. Only those people will watch your webinar who are interested in the niche of your product.

Features of Webinar

Some of the best features of Webinar that helps in your business are:

  • Live
    Most of the time, webinars are streamed live so that people can interact with the presenter. Moreover, by watching live, people feel a sense of relation with the company.
  • Interactive
    Most of the webinars have the feature of chat or comment. People can send messages to the presenter and the presenter can reply to them if possible.
  • Voice
    Most of the webinars contain the voice of the presenter. However, some people conduct mute webinars too. Furthermore, in some webinars, people can even do a voice chat with the presenter.
  • Application Interaction
    You can provide your app's interface on your website and let people learn how to use the application.

Benefits of Webinars

  • Webinars present you as the expert in that field, you can teach and sell at the same time.
  • Webinars give you authority, you are in the power if you are presenting your webinar.
  • There is no denying the fact that you can increase your sales through webinars. You just need to make the right strategies according to which you do your webinars and you will see the results in your favour.
  • Webinars are the best and most effective method in budget marketing. Through webinars, you can launch your products, advertise your products, teach your audience about the features of your product and you can also interact with your customers. So many things by just one webinar, isn't it amazing?
  • Webinars are a great tool for knowing where you are lagging because through a webinar you can interact with your actual customers or say your audience and they can tell you what are the points which are lagging in your product.
Benefits of Webinar

Limitations of Webinar

  • Dependency on Internet Speed: Not only your internet speed but also your viewer’s internet speed should be good enough to stream a webinar video online. But the crucial part is your own internet speed.
  • Registration: People hate to register. But for webinars, registration is important. So, some people just drop the idea of attending the webinar even they are interested in it.
  • Colliding Voice Overs: Although not every time, sometimes you will face the problem of collision of voice over while streaming a screen sharing webinar.
  • Location & Time: Webinar connects you with people all over the world. So, when you think this is the best time to do a webinar, someone might be in a deep sleep. So, location and time are the main factors to look upon in webinars.

How to Promote Your Webinar?

Although, you can always conduct a webinar on other platforms Webinars are also available directly to your website. However, if you are not a very “tech-friendly” person, then conducting a webinar on your own site can be tough for you. To make this easier, you can go for webinar services. You might have to pay some bucks, but they will be worth it only if you have a good audience and this audience will turn potential customers for your business.

Some Pro-tips for Webinars

So now you know how to create a Webinar but the major challenge you will face in promoting or market your webinar. Some of the best ways to promote your upcoming webinars are:

  • Email marketing
    If you already have an email list then you can email your subscriber to remind them about your webinar.
  • Facebook marketing
    You can advertise your webinar on Facebook. The better way is to find and pay some relevant and popular pages and ask them to promote your webinar.
  • Blog
    Tell about your upcoming webinar in your post. Ask people to pre-register for the webinar so they can directly join in.
  • Sponsoring other’s blog
    Ask other bloggers to promote your webinar in exchange for some money or shout out. Ask them to write an article explaining why your next webinar should not be missed, this works better than direct promotion.
  • Influencer
    Pay influencers to promote your webinar in their social media posts. Do some research and find the people who can influence the group of people who may get attracted to your webinar or your product.
  • Collaborating
    Collaborate in others’ webinars and promote your own webinar in their session.
    This way you can get their audience as well and then you can return the favour by doing the same for them whenever they need it.

Some Pro-tips For Webinars

  • The audio quality should be high. Make sure you use a professional microphone while conducting along with a loud audible voice. If your viewers can't listen to what you are saying in your webinar then they will not be able to understand anything, and because of this many people might leave the webinar before it even reaches halfway.
  • Put emphasis on the important points to make them more memorable so that audience can recall them after your webinar ends. If something stays in the mind of your audience after the end of the webinar then it might be possible that they may talk about those points with other people in their circle. This will increase your reach without you doing anything.
  • A high speed and stable internet connection are necessary, throughout the run time of the webinar. If your webinar starts buffering or keeps crashing because of the internet speed, the viewers might leave the webinar.
  • Answer the questions that are asked during the webinars. These serve two ways, firstly you will know that people are taking an interest in the webinar. And Secondly, the viewer will feel that they are involved in the whole thing and that will make them stay connected.


Webinars might look like grandpa's tech, but they are still rocking the market. Many people might not know about them, but they do attract some people. It is easy to target potential customers for your website through webinars. You might not have done any webinars till now, but it's worth it, give it a try and you'll know what it can do for your business. Just go for some webinar service provider and start a webinar now.


Are webinars free of cost?

Webinars are most of the time free and they can be paid as well.

What Webinar means?

It is an online event hosted by an organisation, in here it is broadcasted in front of people through the computer with the help of internet.

Are Webinars good for marketing?

It is a good marketing tool that helps in communicating with your customers.

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