How to Write Freelance Bid Proposals

How to Write Freelance Bid Proposals

It’s hard to muster up the courage and set out to start something of your own. It’s even harder to build a steady work pace, in the Indian freelancing market, and land enough clients to keep you smiling throughout the year. What isn’t hard is curating the perfect proposal for your clients, a feat that adds to your success and shows professionalism. This being said, proposals do play quite a role in helping you not only land clients but also bag great projects, and make a good impression.

Why do You Need to Write Freelance Proposals?

Before we come to understand the necessity of writing business proposals in any and every professional setting, let’s see what it is.

So, how do you define a business proposal? Wikipedia defines it as a, ’a written offer from a seller to a prospective buyer.’ Call it a bridge between the service provider (that’s you!) and the client.

Another source says, ‘A proposal puts the buyer's requirements in a context that favours the seller's products and services, and educates the buyer about the capabilities of the seller in satisfying their needs.’

That is, you need a proposal for a business proposal since it clarifies and establishes the terms of working on the project. It describes the targets and goals through a formal document that is mutually agreed upon, by both the client and the freelancer.

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Clients Expectations From Proposal

  • Personalization in proposal
  • Professional writing style
  • Details about your skills and experience
  • Social and communication skills
  • Assurance that you will spend time on their project and add value.
  • A price that matches your skills, experience and professionalism

How to Write a Good Proposal?

Know Your Client

Writing a proposal may seem like a daunting task but knowing your audience narrows the scope quite a bit, and makes the task both easy and more specific. You need to know the person behind the desk, to create a maximum impact with your proposal. For that to happen, a strong understanding of your client is vital.

Think of a proposal as an in-between between finding your client and getting paid. Now this ‘in-between’ requires some convincing, demonstration of your skills and a notion of how this professional relationship can be successful. Knowing your client’s preferences, work requirements and needed job skills help. By addressing your client personally, you are adding more value to both his company and the job at hand. This assures your client that you are genuinely interested.

Note How You Start

You might want to draft a proposal that captures your client’s interests right from the beginning.

  • Start with a specific, attention-catching (yet professional) subject line and follow up to a strong, purposeful introduction.
  • Let them know what makes you different. Mention your skills and convince them why they might need you.
  • Don’t hesitate to dole out your observations regarding the business or the project. Consequently, follow up your observations with solutions and suggestions; that is, what you could do from your end to optimise their business.

Promote Yourself

How can your client hire you if they don’t know what you are capable of? The key? Promoting yourself.

  • Let them know why you are the perfect candidate. Elaborate on your strengths and how is it going to be beneficial for your client.
  • Do mention your qualifications along if the job requires any kind of academic expertise.
  • Work on your communication skills. You need to convince your client that you are indeed capable of the task.

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Highlight Your Strengths

If you are a freelancer, who is searching actively for a job online, you sure need to let the world know of your strengths and abilities.

  • Sell yourself
  • Put your marketing skills to effect, and build a wide network. Your client should be able to reach you before giving you the job and needless to say, network building helps.
  • Let the client go through your sample works, that are relevant to the job.

Include Your Work Samples

Employers are always eager to see if the words on your portfolio do indeed translate to some real work. A collection of carefully categorised and sorted work samples will do the job for you.

  • Among your work samples, including the projects that are similar to or related to the task at hand. This would assure your client that you carry some experience in the area and hence, are capable of doing the job.
  • Instead of keeping a diversified portfolio that showcases everything you ever worked on, be more specific or job oriented. This shows both expertise and professionalism. Resist the urge to include your every work on your portfolio.
  • Keep the language in mind
  • Note that when addressing your clients in your proposal, you want to be persuasive and positive. Let them know that they don’t have to worry at all and their project is under capable hands.
  • Be professional
  • Add a little value on the client’s front. Let them know you understand their company’s vision and his or her passion for the job. Adding value not only builds a healthy professional relationship but also, ensures that both the employee and the employer is satisfied with the result.
  • If possible, use their language.

Create a Brand of Your Own

Creating a brand of your own makes you stand out of the crowd. The point being, instead of heading for the built-in templates, you can draft your proposals. From deciding on a design layout to curating, writing and editing your proposals, crafting your content brings a sense of your own identity to your work and projects forward your image in the professional market.

You can also refer your client to visit your website or portfolio. Because it will help the understand to know more about you and your work. But this is optional.

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What Your Proposal Should Include?

Confused what you should include in your freelancing proposal? Here’s a complete breakdown of everything that should be there:

General info

Give a little introduction about yourself. This includes your name, your client’s name, contact info, and project brief. You can also tell write little bit about your education. For example any type of course that you have done and which will help you to complete the task.

About the work

Include your skills and why you should be considered for the candidature.

  • Acknowledge what your client is looking for and how are you going to deliver on their needs?
  • Give positive suggestions and solutions and let them know how you plan to optimize their business. Show the client that you understand their needs and are capable of delivering them.

Deadlines and Cost

Most freelancing projects come with their time restrictions and expenses.

  • Consider how much time would you need to deliver the project. And include it in your proposal with mutual agreement.
  • Will there be any overhead expenses? How much will be paid and on what basis? What would be the mode of payment? What will be the contract terms? These are some of the key points that ought to be discussed in the proposal as well.

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While the above factors sum up the points of consideration for writing a great freelance portfolio, there are other factors as well that still need to be considered. For example, your client, the project undertaken as well as the pay scale offered. With these tips, however, we hope you craft an amazing proposal and win that dream project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a good freelance proposal?

Keep your proposal short, professional, and friendly. Adding samples of your work at the beginning of your proposal. This might help in creating a good impression in the starting. Your proposal needs to be short so that your client do not lose interest also, you have to make sure you capture their attention with few witty lines. Clients are interested in knowing what is your reason or motivation of working with them. Simply they want to know how you fit the needs of their project. So, answer the question 'why should I work with you' very carefully and creatively. Not to mention add your relevant skills and experience.

What should be included in bid proposal?

A bid is a tools to persuade someone to choose your company over others. Most often people write it as if it is a information source, no wonder why it does not work. The bid should be written considering clients needs and expectations in order to let them know that you understand them clearly. Every client is different and so shall be your proposal, personalized. Also the proposal should include how are you adding value or if you understand them.

How many bids one gets on Freelancer?

Well, that depends on your membership type. Free Members get 6 bids per month. Intro Members get 15 bids per month. Monthly number of bids for basic, plus, professional and premium members is 50, 100, 300 and 1500 bids respectively.

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