How to Improve Your Freelancer Profile that Stands Out
Freelancing 💻
Searching for jobs can be tedious and direly frustrating at the same time. Yet, once you consider stepping into the shoes of a hiring manager instead, and think of scores and scores of profiles lying on your dashboard for a single job post, you know the stakes are high as is the level of competition. The bottom line here is, getting your job profile to stand out among a host of others and getting noticed by your potential client. So, how do you compete against a thousand others? This article deals with just that!
With some great skillsets you must need a high-quality freelancer profile to compete in this competitive market. Here, we have listed some of the ways to improve your freelancer profile that stands out.
Ways To Improve Freelancer Profile

Keep It Visually Appealing
As a freelancer, it is your online profile that gets noticed first, before you apply for any project. Now, you aim to not just to attract attention but hold it long enough for the client to take a genuine interest in you. The best way to achieve that is by putting some serious thought in the design department as well.
Make sure you put up high-resolution images to showcase your work. Do include write-ups wherever needed and make sure to keep them short and simple; nobody likes to read long essays. Keep a formal, user-friendly layout and categorize your work samples well. Last but not least, put up a professional, front-centered display picture on your profile.
Certification and Skills
Your profile should mention a list of all the professionally certified courses you have undertaken to obtain either software expertise or gain specific knowledge. Also, do include your academic qualifications as well as any merit certificates or honours received for academic or technical excellence. Some jobs require specific academic expertise and that’s where your academic degrees come to your rescue.
While at it, mention your professional skills and highlight your strengths without coming off as too boastful. And lastly, be honest with your profile, forgery is never accepted it only proves that you are good at lying.
Every successful freelancer, on some level or another, relies on self-promotion to get noticed and gain clients.
- Think of an attractive title for your gig. You need to be specific and catchy at the same time. The title is, after all, one of the first things your client sees.
- Make an introductory video that not only lets your employer know of what all skills you're capable of but also tells a bit about yourself. It’s a known fact that a video can engage the audience in ways much better than rich text. Use that to your advantage by making short videos for each of your gigs.
- Start promoting your profile on other online platforms, from your social media handles to your blog, so that people can reach you for your freelancing services better.
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Portfolio Check
A great freelancer profile needs a great portfolio. After all, it is for your skills that your client is going to hire you. Attach your portfolio that is your work samples based on what content adds more value to your work genre and not to increase your work’s diversity. Make sure you not only concentrate on the work samples but also on the display layout.
Add Experience and Achievements
Your client needs to know if you carry any significant previous work experience similar to the assignment being offered. Your work experiences add credibility to your portfolio and increase your chances of bagging the job. If you have had participated somewhere, won awards, or were a scholarship student, mentioning it is worth the while to add significant value to your profile.
Update Your Profile Frequently
As a freelancer, you are constantly learning, improving and exploring new genres with each project. Of course, curating your profile, accordingly, from time to time, marks your progress, keeps your work folio updated with the latest trends and keeps you a notch higher in the professional market.
Link Your Social Media Profiles

If you have created your freelancing profile on the sites like Fiverr, UpWork then you also have to link your social media profiles there. So make sure your social media profiles are professional and updated. It would be great if you can post quality content and upload some of your sample works on your social media profiles.
Even you will get many opportunities from social media too. Like on LinkedIn business professionals are looking for people with right and quality skillset. So here is a door to your freelancing career success.
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Stick to One Niche
Don't make your freelancing profile over-complicated make sure you are showing expertise in one niche only. Make your profile understandable so that people can connect with you easily. For example, if you are a Web Developer and you are creating a freelancing profile of yours. Don't mention any other irrelevant skills that you have like Closing Sales, Data Entry etc. This way people will get confused and chances are they will ignore your profile.
Set Your Price Properly
Many freelancers especially those who are beginners done this mistake, they try to provide services at the cheapest price. If you believe in yourself and you think that you will provide quality service then make sure you are setting the right price. You can also take inspiration from other freelancer profiles.
If you are creating a profile on Fiverr then mention all the services you will be providing for the specific gigs. There are many freelancing websites where you can mention your hourly charges, follow the same rule for those websites also.
What Solutions You Can Provide?
You are reading this article because you want to earn money from freelancing. You might be beginner also that's why you are surfing on the internet. I have something to tell you, it's not important how many skills you have or how professional you are. The most important thing is what solution you can provide to the market. What is the burning problem you can solve with the help of your skills? If you can answer this question not with words but with your action. Then you can earn money because people are looking for results, not for process.
So, research about the trending tech and online marketing things and try to find the problems that people may face. If you can solve those problems then you are all set to get started.
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Creating and managing a good freelancer profile is not a tough job. But getting new clients and improving yourself and your profile is hard. There are many tools and technologies available which you can use to be updated. Try to learn new skills and keep updating your profile. Always remember those who are not learning and improving are bodies without soul.
You will achieve all the success you are looking for but make sure you are consistent. Don't take any negative feedback personally those are just indication to improve yourself. Keep patience and never give up because this is the transaction charge for success. Success is easy, you just have to work for that. All the best!!
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