Simple Rules of Writing that will Help You Improve Instantly

Simple Rules of Writing that will Help You Improve Instantly

Writing about a piece of information requires a lot of effort. But if you follow certain methods, it would make it easier for you to write. It will also keep your readers engaged in the content.

Here are some rules you should know to improve your writing instantly.

Be Specific
Simple Words
Active Voice
Short Paragrpahs
Don't over-explain


You should start with reading a lot of articles and books. This will instantly increase your vocabulary skills. Reading articles on the topic you wish to write about will help you in gaining in-depth information about it.

Reading will also improve your concentration and further gives you an idea of how to write more efficiently. It will help you in formulating more meaningful sentences. Reading would help you in getting to know 'new words' which can improve your writing.

Be Specific

You should ensure that you are specific to the point and don’t beat around the bush. You should ensure that when you are speaking about a specific topic, you would provide proper information about it and not unwanted information.

Make sure you just don’t brief about a topic but explain it in more detail. This will interest your readers and provide them more information. This will make your readers find your content more interesting. Being specific will improve your writing and help your readers as well.


Before you start writing identify the purpose of your article. Make sure you know what you would require to communicate to your readers. This will make your writing faster and the process would be easier.

When you wouldn’t have a purpose to say then your sentences would just be meaningful and wouldn’t deliver anything for the reader. Always find the purpose before you start writing. This will help to improve your writing and making the content more effective for the readers.

Simple Words

You should ensure you use simple words in your article. Most of the time the technical words or jargon would be not known by all your readers. This will make your writing look very complicated to understand.

Always use simple words so that even the most common man would be able to read your writing. This will improve the quality of your writing and make it accessible to all the readers.

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Active Voice

Using active voice in your sentences would make your readers feel like they are part of the writing. They would feel an inter-personal relationship with your content and this will help them to build a good relationship with you and you’re writing.

Active voice will keep the writing lively and most of the time the readers would end up reading the entire article. Using passive voice would make your readers bored. Ensure you keep your readers active the entire while they go through your writing.

Hemmingway Quote
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Short Paragrpahs

Keep your paragraphs as short as you can. You would have observed the news articles in a newspaper, where the paragraphs are very short.

This is because our brain would take in more information, when it is broken down into small pieces. Short paragraphs would make the reading easier.

Long paragraphs would make you feel tired even before you start reading it. Your readers would get a sense in their head that the paragraph is too long or too big. Hence using short paragraphs will improve the quality of your writing.

Don't over-explain

Before you start writing ensure that you have an idea of what you are going to explain. Don’t over-explain about a topic. Make sure that you would provide only what is necessary.

Make sure you organize your thoughts in your mind before you begin writing. This helps you to keep your article very simple. The goal is to provide your readers only the information that is required and not overburdening them with information.


Once you complete your article make sure you read it again. Reading it twice or thrice would help you rectify your mistakes. It puts you in the perspective of your reader and you will be able to correct yourself and make some sentences more simple and easily understandable.

It helps you to understand whether your content would flow smoothly. This will help you improve your writing and will make it more effective.

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To improve your writing, you need to practice every day and as often as possible. As the saying goes "practice makes a man perfect". Practicing makes you understand where you go wrong, it makes you understand your weakness and you will be able to work on it. The more you practice, write content, edit it and correct it you would get better at it.


What should one avoid in good writing?

Avoid Long/Confusing sentences and avoid incorrect use of commas.

How do you find mistakes in writing?

Reread it and use a checklist to find mistakes in writing.

What are the most common grammar mistakes?

Missing a comma, Incorrect capitalization, Missing a hyphen, Leaving too many white spaces between words are the most common grammar mistakes.


Writing is not a profession. It is a life skill which everyone needs. It helps in developing other important skills like analysing, marketing, etc. Follow the above points to improve the quality of your content. Make sure you practice the above tips on a daily basis. This will make your content effective and you would be able to see the improvement in the quality of your writing.

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