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Customer Testimonials: Importance | How To Get Customer Testimonials?

Customer Testimonials: Importance | How To Get Customer Testimonials?

When people direct a market campaigning, they do testimonials for brand awareness and its growth and reputation. Thus, they gather fresh leads to drive the conversions. These testimonials by the customer are the critical marketing strategy that a person can use to reach their targets. Various study reports support as a “Word of mouth” that these testimonials have much power under their belt to boost a market campaigning.

One survey suggests that AC Nielsen polled around 35,000 customers, 85% of whom wholly or may trust the suggestions of friends and family, and 65% value opinions were posted online. Another study research arranged with almost 2000 respondents shows some facts that around 90% of the consumers have shown their trust upon these online reviews for determining the quality of a local business. Every visitor shows up their reason why they checked in to your site, and that very thing will help market campaigning.

What are Customer Testimonials?
Importance of Customer Testimonials
Creative Ways to Get Customer Testimonials

How to get Customer testimonials?

What are Customer Testimonials?

Personal anecdotes or quotes by the previous customers help in proving that how a product or service helped them overcome an issue are known as customer testimonials. Mostly, these testimonials by customers stay pretty short in length as well as nature. They are composed of fewer sentences, and they stay precise as possible. It’s better to gather as many testimonials as possible for the sake of improving that trustworthy goodwill online. The more people will give their testimonials merrily praising the product’s effectiveness, the more it will bring the brand goodwill.

Proving the effectiveness and efficient working of their products and services is one thing each company wants, irrespective of any industry on their respective website. It is the reason these testimonials by the able customers are so important to get a reality check. It is the essential way of proving to the new customers what the previous customers felt at the fulfillment of their needs.

Importance of Customer Testimonials

So, as we have discussed earlier the basics of customer testimonials, now it's high time to know why it is so important to have these testimonials. Let’s look at some reasons for it:

1. The growth in sales, and the brand’s reputation, are all triggered by the testimonials the customers provide. And if the company gets positive reviews, then it gets helpful to establish the durability and reliability as a business for new people.

2. These reviews help the business set a broad and wide reach with faraway clients who will benefit from the industry. It will ultimately project the versatile characteristics of a company which will make them believe that this company can fulfill their wants or needs.

3. When the testimonials of the last customers get posted on the website, then like a magnet, it attracts and speeds up the company's purchasing process. The benefit of these positive reviews is their availability whenever a fresh customer is on a hunt to know more about its products and services.

Creative Ways to Get Customer Testimonials

Ways to get Customer Testimonials
Ways to get Customer Testimonials

There are many ways by which a company can get as many customer testimonials. But it is reasonably necessary to know which of these processes are much creative to get the attention of fresh customers. Hence, below are the innovative ways to get those positive customer testimonials:

  • Word of Mouth Reviews
  • Testimonial Swap
  • Make it Worth it for customers to provide reviews
  • Unleash the power of Review Sites
  • Arrange a Giveaway Offer
  • For a successful transaction, make a review prompt
  • Testimonials from Social Media

Word of Mouth Reviews

One of the most attractive ways of fetching fresh customers is word of mouth, and these testimonials are an essential part of it. When prominent reviews and feedbacks are given in the form of testimonials by the customers, these tactics help to attract customers who are pretty fresh and came for the first time.

Testimonial Swap

How amazing, thrilling, and breath-taking it would be to receive testimonials from other brands! If that's amazing, how about gifting them a little smile? To get some genuine testimonials, you can also avail of services from different brands and leave them some fantastic reviews. As a return of gratitude, you can also encourage them to do the same.

Make it worth for customers to provide reviews

One other way for achieving the reviews of the customers is putting some lucky draw to gain something. Any prize can be allotted to the people like any voucher, coupon or any discount.

There are a variety of options available for people, but it’s also limited to their imagination. Customers are given incentives for the engagement of brands which creates a testimonial loop for the fresh customers. There should be some loyalty system that can fetch the customer testimonials easily.

Unleash the power of Review Sites

Many customers leave their feedback on popular review sites such as Capterra, TripAdvisor, etc. Although it might be tough finding the customers behind the reviews, with little hard work, you can do this easily. After that, you can initiate a healthy relationship with the customer, which increases your probability of attaining a 4* or 5* review.

Arrange a Giveaway Offer

Another attractive way to make those fresh customers is by making some exciting special offers. These offers can be like some limited-time discounts. These discounts will be given to those new customers for the products and services. All the company will ask is for the customers’ testimonials in return. For example, if a new app is being launched then it is an excellent idea for a free trial offer. All the fresh customers need to write a positive review or testimonial in return for this offer.

For a successful transaction, make a review prompt

With the confirmation page, the process of online purchase must not end. Instead, this Page can be used for asking the customers their feedbacks or reviews.

This objective of achieving review can be done by asking some questions like what more do you expect to be done by them to make it more efficient. Or else another question can be there like why us other than anyone else. What makes these questions best is that these are not limited to a simple yes or no rather, this question reveals some reality with their feedbacks.

Customer Testimonials from Social Media

Customer Testimonial on social media
Customer Testimonial on social media

The most effective way to gain reviews is by using and being constantly active on social media. It not only helps the company in the growth of sales but also becomes the prime platform of gaining many fresh customers by the customer testimonials of the previous ones.

In Facebook, it helps to add reviews with the help of their review tab. All the company needs to do is opening a page there, and it will bring more reviews for the products and services. To get positive reviews in the form of Endorsements, LinkedIn is one of the best place. YouTube is another great place where a company can put up videos of their product and services, and with that, people can add as many reviews.

Google is also an excellent platform to get some positive reviews for new customer’s testimonials. Though there is no specific way for having thoughts on Twitter, that doesn’t imply that it can’t be done. People can still post their questions regarding the company’s products or services, and by saving the tweet, it can be showcased back by answering them.

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Thus, these are some of the best creative ways of having customer testimonials by which more fresh customers can be included. A company can add more customer testimonials for its website or any platform by following these few ways. It will, in return, increase their new customers.

The need for these customer testimonials is to add that pinch of trust for their products or services. It helps the company reach greater heights and gain many new customers.


Why are customer testimonials so important?

Customer testimonials are important for building up your on-line business. It helps greatly in converting visitors to your business website to customers.

How do you present customer testimonials on social media?

Customer testimonials Can be shared on home page of social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. They can be shared in the Instagram story, and other social media platforms.

What are the ways to Get Customer Testimonials?

Different ways to get customer testimonials are:

  • Word of Mouth Reviews
  • Testimonial Swap
  • Make it Worth it for customers to provide reviews
  • Unleash the power of Review Sites
  • Arrange a Giveaway Offer
  • For a successful transaction, make a review prompt
  • Testimonials from Social Media

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