How to Make Your Copywriting Clickable? | Effective Tips and Strategies for Writing Clickable Copy

How to Make Your Copywriting Clickable? | Effective Tips and Strategies for Writing Clickable Copy
How to Make Your Copywriting Clickable?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, it's more important than ever to make sure that your copywriting is clickable, as it can make or break the success of your online campaigns. With the rise of digital marketing, the stakes are higher than ever before. It's essential to create copy that not only grabs the attention of your target audience but also compels them to click through to your website.

According to recent statistics, the average click-through rate for email campaigns is just 2.6%, and the average conversion rate is only 2.35%. That means that out of 100 people who see your email, only 2 or 3 will actually click through to your website.

With these numbers in mind, it's clear that making your copy clickable is more important than ever before. In this article, we'll explore some strategies and tips for creating copy that will drive more traffic to your website and ultimately boost your conversions.

Ways to Make Your Copywriting Clickable

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Ways to Make Your Copywriting Clickable

Here are the most important strategies and tips you must keep in mind to make your copywriting more clickable:

Clear and Compelling Call to Action

A clear and compelling call to action (CTA) is essential for making your copywriting clickable. A CTA is a statement or button that encourages the reader to take a specific action, such as clicking through to your website or making a purchase. A strong CTA should be clear, direct, and easy to understand. It should also be prominently placed within the copy and stand out from the surrounding text.

One way to make your CTA more compelling is to use action-oriented language. Words like "buy," "Subscribe," "register," or "download" are more likely to encourage readers to take action than passive phrases like "learn more" or "find out more." Additionally, using phrases like "limited time offer" or "exclusive access" can create a sense of urgency that will motivate readers to take action right away.

An important aspect of making your CTA more clickable is to make it visually appealing. This can be achieved by using contrasting colors, bold text, or an eye-catching design that makes the CTA stand out from the rest of the copy. Using a CTA button rather than a text link can also increase the chances of readers clicking through, as buttons are more attention-grabbing.

Use Personalized Format

Personalization is a key factor in making copywriting clickable. When your copy is adapted to the specific needs and interests of your target audience, it is more likely to resonate with them and drive them to take action. Personalization can take many forms, such as using the recipient's name in the subject line or body of the email or modifying the content to their specific pain points or interests.

An effective way to personalize your copywriting is to segment your audience and create different versions of your copy for each segment. For example, if you're selling a product or service that caters to different industries, you can create different versions of your copy that speak directly to the pain points and challenges of each industry. This approach can be especially effective for lead generation campaigns, as it allows you to create targeted content that will speak directly to the needs of your audience.

Another way to personalize your copywriting is to use dynamic content, which is content that changes based on the recipient's behavior or other data. For example, you can use dynamic content to show different offers or call-to-action buttons depending on whether the recipient has opened your email before or not. This type of personalization can increase the chances of the recipient taking action. It shows that you understand their behavior and are offering them something relevant to them.

Use Powerful and Attention-Grabbing Words

Powerful and attention-grabbing words help to capture the reader's attention and spark their interest in your product or service. Some examples of attention-grabbing words include, Free, Exclusive, Limited, Guaranteed, Discover, Now, New, Revolutionary, Proven, and Results.

These words are known to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, which can motivate readers to take action. For example, using the word "guaranteed" in your copy can give readers the assurance they need to take the next step and click through to your website. Similarly, using words like "discover" or "new" can make your product or service sound exciting and innovative, which can also help to drive clicks.

In addition to powerful and attention-grabbing words, it's also important to use them strategically. This means using them at the beginning of your headline or in the opening sentence to grab the reader's attention right away. It's also important to use them in a way that's relevant to your product or service and that aligns with your overall marketing message.

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Identify Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is an important step in creating copy that is both compelling and clickable. When you understand who your target audience is, you can adjust your message to their specific needs, wants, and pain points. This makes it more likely that they will engage with your content and ultimately click through to your website.

For example, if your target audience is busy working professionals, you may want to focus on highlighting the time-saving benefits of your product or service. On the other hand, if your target audience is young parents, you may want to focus on the safety and convenience features of your product. By tailoring your message to your target audience, you increase the chances that they will find your copy relevant and valuable.

Identifying your target audience makes your copywriting clickable by using language and tone that resonate with them. For instance, if your target audience is young and trendy, you may want to use a more casual and conversational tone in your copy. On the other hand, if your target audience is more formal, you may want to use a more professional and formal tone. By using language and tone that appeal to your target audience, you increase the chances that they will engage with your content.


FOMO is a powerful psychological concept that can be leveraged in copywriting to make it more clickable. Essentially, FOMO hits into the human desire to not miss out on something that could be valuable or beneficial. By creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity in your copy, you can motivate readers to take action and click through to your website.

Here are a few ways you can use FOMO to make your copywriting more clickable:

Social Proof: Use testimonials, case studies, or social media posts to show that others are taking advantage of your offer. This can create a sense of FOMO as readers see others benefitting from your product or service and want to join in.

Limited-time offers: By highlighting that an offer is only available for a limited time, you create a sense of urgency that makes readers want to act fast. This can be used for sales, discounts, or even free trials.

Scarcity: Creating scarcity by highlighting the limited availability of a product or service can also create FOMO. This can be done by highlighting that there are only a few spots left or that the product is running low on stock.

Exclusive Access: Offer exclusive access to content, promotions, or discounts to those who click through to your website. This can make readers feel like they're part of an exclusive club and encourage them to take action.

Note: FOMO is not always a good approach as it might stress out people and make them feel bad if they can't get access to the offer or product, thus it's important to use it in the right measure and context.

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Write Less Say More

The most effective way to make your copywriting clickable is by writing less and saying more. This technique is all about being concise and getting to the point quickly, without wasting the reader's time.

When you write less and say more, you are able to capture the reader's attention and deliver your message in a clear and concise manner. This is especially important in today's digital landscape, where attention spans are shorter than ever before. By writing less, you are able to convey your message in a way that is easy to understand and easy to act on.

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Use Appealing Visuals

Using appealing visuals is a powerful way to make your copywriting clickable. Visuals can grab attention and convey information quickly, making them an essential component of any marketing strategy. Research shows that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, and they can increase the likelihood of engagement by 80%. This means that adding visuals to your copy can significantly increase the chances of someone clicking through to your website.

The most effective way to use visuals in copywriting is to use images that are relevant to the message you are trying to convey. For example, if you're promoting a new product, including a photo of the product will help to grab the attention of your target audience. Similarly, using infographics, charts, and diagrams can help to break down complex information into more manageable chunks. This makes it more likely that people will engage with your content.

Visuals like using a countdown timer on a landing page can create a sense of urgency that will encourage people to take action quickly. Similarly, using a limited-time offer or a "limited stock" message can create a sense of scarcity that will prompt people to act now rather than later.

Highlight the Benefits

Highlighting the benefits of your product or service is a key strategy for making your copywriting clickable. When potential customers read your copy, they want to know what's in it for them. They want to know how your product or service will solve their problems or improve their lives. By highlighting the benefits of your offering, you can grab their attention and motivate them to take action.

Instead of simply listing the features of your product, focus on how those features will help the customer achieve their goals. For example, instead of saying "Our product has a long battery life," say "Our product will keep you connected all day, so you can stay productive no matter where you are." This type of language creates a sense of urgency and makes the customer feel like they need your product to achieve their goals.

You can also use social proof. This means including customer testimonials, case studies, and statistics that demonstrate how your product or service has helped others. This type of evidence can be powerful in convincing potential customers that your product or service is worth their time and money.

It's important to remember that benefits are not just about the product or service itself but also about the customer's experience. Highlighting the convenience, ease of use, or customer service that customers will receive can be just as important as highlighting the benefits of the product or service itself.


Making copywriting clickable is essential for any digital marketing strategy. With the rise of digital marketing and the ever-increasing competition, it's more important than ever to create a copy that not only grabs the attention of your target audience but also compels them to take action. Consider the above-mentioned tips and make your copy clickable.


What is the average click-through rate for email campaigns?

The average click-through rate for email campaigns is 2.6%.

What is FOMO in copywriting?

FOMO is a powerful psychological concept that can be leveraged in copywriting to make it more clickable. It hits into the human desire to not miss out on something that could be valuable or beneficial. This can motivate readers to take action and click through to your website.

How can I make my copy clickable?

You can make your copy clickable by identifying your target audience, using a clear and compelling CTA, a personalized format, powerful and attention-grabbing words, FOMO, appealing visuals, and highlighting the benefits of your products or services.

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