Why and How Do Startups Raise Funds From Ratan Tata?

Why and How Do Startups Raise Funds From Ratan Tata?

There is hardly anyone in India, who doesn't know Ratan Tata. Ratan Tata is a well-known and one of the most respected and influential businessmen in the country. He was the former chairman of Tata Sons. He is known for his simple lifestyle and has contributed to the growth of TaTa Group immensely.

From the moment Ratan Tata resigned as the chairman of Tata groups on his 75th birthday, he has been looking out for interesting start-ups to invest in. Ratan Tata has always been a philanthropist and has provided innumerable contributions to various charities throughout his lifetime.

With his new look into the developing startup culture in India, various small start-ups have enquired about how to seek Ratan Tata for investment opportunities. Hundreds of small companies with innovative ideas seek the assistance of the Tata trust for a chance to develop their idea into full-fledged companies. In this article, we will talk about how to raise funds from Ratan Tata. So, let's take a look at them.

Why Do Startups Look for the Support of Ratan Tata?
How to Contact Ratan Tata for Your Startup Idea?
Industries That Have Received Investment From Tata Trusts

Why Do Startups Look for the Support of Ratan Tata?

The basic reason for any startup to look for big investors is to source funds for their day-to-day activities and also to offer scalability for their products or services. But with the former chairman of Tata groups backing a company for investment, there is something more than just money that the company gets.

The trust and confidence of the people and other investors is the major gain the company gets when it is backed by Tata groups. This provides the company with a unique endorsement that sets it apart from its peers in the same field. It also gives enough traction and publicity for the business without any spending on the promotion of its products or services.

The last and most important part of it is the experience that one gets from the suggestions provided by the former chairman of Tata groups. As it rubs off, the company can look for guidance from the industry giant which gives them a huge leap in business.

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How to Contact Ratan Tata for Your Startup Idea?

There are a few ways that can be used to gain the attention of Ratan Tata regarding investment opportunities. Some of the classical ways are as follows:

1. The easiest way to connect with Ratan Tata would be to speak with someone from Tata Trust that is in charge of dealing with requests for investments. This way can take a long time to get a reply and the process is tedious.

2. The next way would be to use a formally edited e-mail stating the purpose of the mail. It is also necessary to ensure that the idea or request can be clearly understood so that it can be forwarded to Ratan Tata himself if it is worth his time. Some of the e-mail addresses that can be corresponded to are srtt- @­tatatrusts.org, rntata@tata.com, rnt@tata.com, or talktous@tatatrusts.org.

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3. Alternatively, contacting Venkatramanan from Tata Trust would give a chance to meet Ratan Tata for presenting the idea. This idea is better and also more professional as all proposals are directed to him before shortlisting the ideas that are worth mentioning to Ratan Tata.

4. The best way to get in touch with the former Tata group chairman would be to write a letter explaining the idea and reasons for seeking investment. Talking about the risks and the opportunities that the idea provides will provide an edge over the thousands of ideas that are directed at him for investment. Since Ratan Tata is a simplistic, down-to-earth person, writing a letter also appeals to the approach. He is one of the popular Angel investors for a reason.

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Industries That Have Received Investment From Tata Trusts

Few Companies funded by Ratan Tata
Few Companies funded by Ratan Tata

Tata groups have never been confined to one sector or industry under the guidance of Ratan Tata as chairman of the group. The same is followed by the Indian industry giant when he invests in startups and companies. The investment portfolio is never limited to just the tech industry. He looks into ideas that improve the standard of life or provide services that lead to new solutions for existing problems.

Let us take a look at the different companies in each industry that have received backing from the former chairman of Tata groups.


The e-commerce industry is the fastest growing technology-based industry since 2005. The business ideas that received backing from Mr Tata in the e-commerce sector are Snapdeal, Urban Ladder, CarDekho, Paytm, Bluestone, Firstcry, and Zivame. All of these companies were backed by Tata trusts between 2014 and 2016.

Digital Payments

Payment gateways are an important part of any online business nowadays. So, innovative ideas in this field were also backed by Tata groups since 2015. The US-based digital payment transfer company Abra and the Indian cashback and coupon site Cashkaro were the 2 companies supported by Tata in this sector.

On-Demand services

The use of On-demand services has become extensive and is growing more each day due to the busy work schedules of people. Ratan Tata has not left a stone unturned even in this sector. Popular companies like Ola and UrbanClap were once start-ups that were backed by Ratan Tata. Holachef is also a start-up that was supported by Tata Trust way back in 2015 when food-tech startups were emerging in the Indian Market.


The Coimbatore-based company Ampere received funding from Tata Trusts in 2015. The company manufactures e-cycles, e-scooters, and special purpose waste management vehicles for the government. Various companies in other sectors and industries like Mobile Tech, Media, Healthcare, etc. also received funding and investment opportunities from the Tata Group.


The most important factor that is needed for the survival of a startup is funds. One can look for investors to invest in their business. Ratan Tata with enthusiasm invested in startups and small businesses that look promising. Through Ratan Tata, you not only get funds for your startups but also it brings a good reputation and somewhat creates a hood image of your company.


Who is Ratan Tata?

Ratan Tata is an Indian Businessman and was the former chairman of Tata Sons.

Does Ratan Tata invest on Startups?

Ratan has invested in over 3o startups till now and is known for his generosity.

What is the super app by Tata?

Tata Neu is the new super app by Tata.

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