Profitable Business Ideas To Implement After Lockdown Is Lifted In India

Profitable Business Ideas To Implement After Lockdown Is Lifted In India

COVID-19 is a deadly, respiratory virus that brought us to our knees in 2020. Almost every nation across the globe has been inflicted by the pandemic induced by COVID-19, popularly known as the coronavirus. World economy has taken a hit, millions of people have lost their lives, and industries such as aviation, hospitality, and real estate have incurred unfathomable losses. Many businesses have shut down.

To curb the spread of the virus, India and other countries have implemented lockdowns, a setup where everything except essential services are suspended momentarily. Now that the lockdown in India is gradually being done away with in a staggered manner, businesses are in full swing to get back to normal. Moreover, new opportunities are bound to emerge. This list of the top business ideas after lockdown is removed in India holds tremendous potential and profitability.

Profitable Business Ideas After Lockdown Is Lifted In India

Healthcare Business
Doorstep Delivery Business
Food Delivery or Tiffin Service
Online Tuition Classes
Social Media Manager
Home-made Gifts
Digital Marketing
Graphic Design
Freelancing or Blogging
Website Development Business
Cab Service
Yoga Trainer
Affiliate Marketing

Healthcare Business

Looking at the current state of the world, the importance of healthcare cannot be overstated. Many small business owners and manufacturers have undertaken the production of masks and sanitizers to help people and institutions fight the coronavirus pandemic. We are now extremely considerate over health, well-being, and sanitation. And the producers of healthcare equipment have generated massive profits in the process.

Business post lockdown
Healthcare Business

If you're an entrepreneur planning to enter the healthcare business, this is the right time to invest and grow. Reach out to retailers, wholesalers, and other suppliers if you cannot manufacture healthcare supplies and equipment on your own.

Growth Of Online Doctor Consultation Market During Pandemic
In an era, where everything is available at the click of a button it is nosurprise that even a specialist doctor or a clinical examination could be doneonline. The online doctor consultation is a coveted field in India and is ableto offer services like telehealth, telemedicine, telecare and digit…

Doorstep Delivery Business

Doorstep delivery has proved to be one of the most reliable business models during this lockdown. With people going to be extra cautious once the lockdown in India is lifted, the demand for doorstep delivery will increase. In the near future, customers will prefer buying vegetables and other essentials online rather than stepping out.

Business ideas post lockdown
Types of delivery Service

'No contact delivery', wherein the delivery staff would drop off the package at the doorstep and not come in physical contact with the customer, is immensely popular these days.

How To Start A Courier Business | Courier Company In India
This StartupTalky post discusses everything you need to know about the courierbusiness and how to a start courier business. It also addresses concepts likeproof of delivery and the challenges of sending food items through courier. With an annual development rate of 25%, the courier industry is es…

Food Delivery or Tiffin Service

Many people prefer ordering food online rather than visiting restaurants. Ordering food online has become a seamless process courtesy of online platforms such as Zomato and Swiggy. Many entrepreneurs are now launching their own food delivery or tiffin services.

Business post lockdown
Food Delivery Service

After the removal of lockdown, the crowd will barge to restaurants and food joints. And this implies standing in line for hours. As a result, individuals would resort to home delivery service apps and have meals delivered to their homes. Hence, establishing a tiffin/food delivery service is a great idea.

How did Zomato survive the Pandemic: An In-Depth Case Study
Life, as we know, ended with the advent of 2020. It ushered in a new and scaryera by introducing us to COVID-19 [/tag/covid-19/]. This puzzle remains unsolvedeven after toils by the best minds in the world. We now talk about life beforeand after the pandemic. Nothing remains untouched, and one o…

Online Tuition Classes

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, schools and universities have shifted to the online mode of teaching. Online classes have become the new normal in 2020. To make the most out of this trend, professionals with the right educational background and expertise should start online tuition classes.

Business after lockdown
Online classes

E-learning has become a new standard in education. With the availability of several video conferencing tools, organizing and moderating online classes has become easier than ever.

How To Start A Tutoring Business | Become A Private Tutor
Online tutoring and courses are the new norms in education. This post will tellyou how to become a private tutor. The useful tips explained in this post willhelp you become a successful tutor from home and whether to pursue theprofession part-time or full time. In India, the online tutoring busi…

Social Media Manager

Social media, a powerful and effective marketing medium, should be a part of any business strategy. Maintaining a social media account is important for organizations to stay in touch with their customers and audience. Social media managers are responsible for representing companies on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Business post lockdown
Social media manager

Many social media managers have the privilege of working from their homes. Moreover, the job allows one to exhibit creativity and innovation.

How To Become a Social Media Manager? | Social Media Management
Social Media is amongst most the powerful platforms available across the globetoday. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are capable of influencingpresidential elections. Moreover, such platforms are now providing employmentopportunities to hundreds of thousands of people in different countries. …

Home-made Gifts

Home-made gifts have a place of their own. Hand-made gifts may be time-consuming in terms of fabrication, but they are immensely popular in gift shops. These products are made from materials such as wood, fabric, clay, and leather.

Business ideas
Home-made Gifts

Home-made gifts are not that expensive to fabricate and can be sold at high prices owing to their demand. If you are creative and love to make DIY (do-it-yourself) gifts, then this business is for you.

Top Profitable Retail Business Ideas in India (Categorized by investments)
Retail industry in India has emerged as fast paced industries due to many newretailers. Retail business in India accounts for 10% of GDP and 8% ofemployment. India is one of the top 5 retail markets in the world by economicvalue. It is one of the fastest growing retail market in the world. On a …

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is about promoting and branding your business using digital platforms. It is seen as the fastest and most reliable mode of marketing. Digital marketing require skills like SEO, content marketing, and data analytics. Marketeers use this technique to drive web traffic to websites and other mediums.

Digital marketing
Digital Marketing

Graphic Design

Graphic design is about creating illustrations and art that sell. If you are creative and have a great eye for detail, then graphic designing is for you. It gives you the opportunity to bring your ideas to life.  

Business after lockdown
Graphic Designing

Graphic designers are required in every industry/vertical for the purpose of advertisements. As you gain skills in the field of graphic designing, your value soars. Consequently, you get new opportunities in frond-end development and UX design.

How To Become A Graphic Designer | Graphic design in 2020
Graphic designing is a perennial job. It’s never going to fade away. This postis going to cover graphic designing by answering questions like what is graphicdesign and what a graphic designer does. What would school and school work looklike if you opt for graphic designing? What are the future pr…

Freelancing or Blogging

If you are a passionate writer, then blogging is for you. Blogging requires patience, hard work, and the knack for playing with words. It takes time to create a successful blog. Blogging can be an good career choice if you know how to create informative and entertaining content. You can earn from blogging by leveraging ad networks, affiliate marketing, and sponsored reviews.

Business ideas - blogging

Best Content Creation Tips For Bloggers | Tips For Writing Good Blogs
Writing a good blog can prove to be a difficult task. Writing blogs requirepatience and a lot of research on the topic. Getting a large audience on yourblog also requires a large amount of time. But if you work in the rightdirection, you can reach out to many people that will like your blogs. The…

Website Development Business

Website development is about building and maintaining websites. It includes aspects like web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management.

Website Development
Website Development

The field of website development has grown rapidly over the years. After COVID-19, more and more companies are realizing the value of digital presence. Hence, website development is in huge demand today.

Cab Service

Lockdown ideas - cab service
Cab Service

The coronavirus-induced lockdown in India raised the need for safe and hygienic modes of transportation; everyone wants to avoid crowded buses, autos, etc. Thus, converting this opportunity into a business model will prove to be beneficial. One can make a good amount of money on a daily basis by providing cab services to people who want to travel inter-city or intra-city.

OLA Success Story - Full Form, Story, Founder, Business Model, Funding History, Team, News
Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified informationon different startups and organizations. The content in this post has beenapproved by the organization it is based on. Ola needs no introduction. The first Indian cab aggregator company, Ola has madeavailing cab serv…

Yoga Trainer

With the majority of people turning into fitness enthusiasts during this period of lockdown, Yoga instructors and trainers have made major strides in their field. If you can teach yoga to others, consider becoming a yoga trainer. A yoga training institute can be opened with minimal capital. Yoga classes can be conducted online as well.

Business idea - Yoga trainer
Yoga Trainer

All you need is a globally-recognized certification that shows your expertise in performing yoga asanas and other poses.

How To Become Full-Time Yoga Teacher | Start Teaching Yoga
If you are planning to make a living as a yoga teacher, this post is for you. A full-time yoga teacher is a lucrative career if implemented correctly. If youare an inspiring yoga teacher and worried about the challenges of starting outas one, this post is there to help you. In India, the value o…


Ghostwriting Business idea

If you belong to the writing industry, you may have heard of the term 'ghostwriting'. In ghostwriting, you write for other individuals without taking credit. Hence, you are a 'ghost' whose write-up ends up as someone else's intellectual property. Ghostwriting assignments include novels, blogs, articles, stories, and other forms of write-ups.

How To Become Corona Millionaire
All this time, while a section of people was complaining of job losses, another set of people started their Entrepreneurial journeys and the most fancied product category this time was health and hygiene

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing enables people to earn commission by marketing or selling some other website's product on their blog or website. As an affiliate marketer, you can promote others' products/services on your medium (website, YouTube channel, etc.) using a unique web link and get paid if people end up making a purchase through that link.

Affiliate marketing - business idea
Affiliate Marketing

Step By Step Guide To How Affiliate Marketing Works - StartupTalky
Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission formarketing another person’s or company’s products. An affiliate is a person orcompany that promotes products and/or services for a merchant. The sales aretracked via affiliate links from one website to another. Most of …

We hope you are making the best use of the lockdown period in India. Do comment if you know about any other feasible business idea.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

What are some profitable business in India?

Blogging, ghostwriting, and online tutoring are some business ideas that require low investment but yield massive profits in India.

How can I come up with a great name for my business?

You need to brainstorm by coming up with a bunch of names that sound interesting and convey the idea and value behind the service/product. Choose names with easy spellings. Identify the names that have already been registered by someone else. Strike them off. Then finalize on one name from the available ones and purchase an online domain with that name.

What are the biggest challenges to starting a business?

Some common challenges are the shortage of capital, coming up with a good business plan and executing it, not giving up on the first sign of failure, hiring a trustworthy team, time management, and maintaining a good work/life balance.

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