How to Advertise on Quora in 5 Simple Steps?

How to Advertise on Quora in 5 Simple Steps?

When you start with a business, one of the most important factors is marketing. Without proper marketing, the survival of your business is impossible.  Proper marketing can take your business to the top. Marketing is a lengthy process and it is divided into several parts. One of them is advertising.

Advertising is a crucial part of marketing. Advertising is a purpose to inform consumers about your product. There are many Advertising platforms, including Google Ad, LinkedIn and Facebook. Lately, Quora has also entered this market. Quora now offers cheap Ads on Cost per click basis. You can employ Quora advertising to reach a bigger audience who are already looking for answers to questions that relate to your business or industry. In this article, we will talk about how you can advertise on Quora in just 5 steps.

What is Quora Advertising?

Quora Ads, which is a self-service platform allows you to create ads and target the audience who are using Quora. Anyone who is interested can run ads with the help of Quora Ads. The platform uses mainly uses behavioural targeting, which means the browsing habits of individuals are used to target the audience for the ads. Any kind of text or image-based ads can be formed.

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How to Advertise on Quora in 5 Simple Steps

Get Started

To get started with advertising you need to visit and click on Start now. After you click on start now, you will be asked to log into your account. After you sign in to your account fill in your business details and click on the option of creating an account. Your Quora advertising account will be created.

Create a Campaign

Once you create your advertising account, the Ads Manager page will be displayed. Now You are all set to create your first campaign. To create your first ad campaign Click on Create Campaign. Fill in the details like the Name of your campaign, objective, budget and Schedule. You can either prefer to start your campaign immediately or can set a starting and ending date.

Create an Ad Set

Once you are done with setting up the campaign, you have to create an Ad Set. Ad Set is the Audience you targeting and how much you will bid for it. Add a name to your ad set. There are two types of targeting topic targeting and audience targeting.

  • Topic targeting-  You can use topic targeting to reach your target audience with Topics relevant to your business. Topic targeting is widely used for targeting on Quora Ads.
  • Audience targeting- You can use audience targeting to target who or the type of user, that sees your ad on Quora.

You can choose to show your ads on mobile or desktop. You can also Exclude certain locations where you don't want to target the audience. Set a bid on Cost per Click Bid. Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on your ads.

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Create a New Ad

Now you have to create the ad of your choice. Add all the details that are required for the creation of the ad. On the right side, after the completion of your ad, you can see your Ad preview.

Review your Ads

Review your Ad and Add a suitable payment method. Once you add the Payment method just hit complete order and your campaign will start.

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This is how your Ad will be displayed on Quora.

Ad Displayed on website

You can manage and Review your Ads using Ads manager.

quora advertising
Manage your Ads

Quora Advertising Cost

The advertising cost on Quora is different than other advertising platforms. Quora Ads are priced on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis, so the cost you pay for an ad is determined by your CPC bid(highest bids gets priority) and other factors.

When you first start running ads on Quora, you will be charged when you hit your billing threshold, or on the first day of the following month. The billing threshold is 25$, so as you hit 25$ you will be charged by Quora. If your account spends 20$ in a month nothing is charged to the account and you will be charged on the first day of the following month.

Advertising on Quora is not as effective compared to other advertising platforms, Linked in or Facebook. The cost of the Ads on Quora is also much cheaper than other advertising platforms. Quora Ads are priced on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis which is quite affordable than other advertising platforms.

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What is a Quora Ads Manager?

Quora ads manager is a platform where we can create, run and manage our ads on Quora to reach millions of people who are already looking for answers to questions that relate to your business or industry.

Through marketing on Quora, you can:

  • Reach customized audience based on your data.
  • Try to run ads with different formats supported by Quora which are native in nature.
  • Try to target different options given by Quora to reach your customer base.
  • Monitor, analyze and optimize the campaigns based on the data shown in Quora ads manager.
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How to run ads on Quora?

In your Quora Ads dashboard, click Create Campaign. Then type in your campaign name and select your campaign objective. Currently, you can choose from four objectives: Conversions, App Installs, Traffic, and Awareness. You'll also need to set your campaign budget and schedule.

How much do Quora ads cost?

Clicks (CPC) - Optimize your ad delivery for traffic to your website or landing page. The minimum bid for a click is $0.01. Impressions (CPM) - Optimize your ad delivery to show your ad to as many people as possible. The minimum bid for a click is $0.20.

How do I get paid on Quora?

Quora is linked with Stripe, and nothing else. You can't get paid by check or Paypal, Stripe is the only option. You don't have to link up an account right away, but once you have earned $5 from your questions, you'll be given the option to do so.

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