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Stupendous Facts You Don’t Know About Red Bull That Will Blow Up Your Mind

Stupendous Facts You Don’t Know About Red Bull That Will Blow Up Your Mind

When it comes to an energy drink, the first thing that strikes our mind is ‘Red Bull’ right? Just like the cognomen, the drink also drives us crazy. Red Bull gives wings to people and ideas with its vivacity and piquancy to people. Red Bull built its empire in 1987 and introduced it as an energy drink for those overtime workers to subdue the stress, now ultimately enhancing the most consumed energy drink in the world. Moreover, the company is running a success rate by selling nearly seven billion cans in 2020.

Red Bull was originated in Thailand by Yoovidhya which is named “Krating Daeng” and later Dietrich co-founded the product and designed it into an international brand. Both the parties accrued to launch Red Bull in Austria in 1987 and expanded the brand worldwide almost covering two-third of countries. In time, Yoovidhya and Dietrich ranked as the 250th richest person in the world in 2008 according to Forbes magazine. The company attained recognition by leading various events and campaigns for brand awareness. In 2021, according to the Global 1000 brands list, Red Bull was ranked 226th.

On the other hand, every company holds secrets to reach some heights. So here, we disclose some concealed facts about Red Bull which may astound your mind after knowing.

Origin of Red Bull
Red Bull- Dolomites conducted the World’s Toughest Team Relay Race
Red Bull drinkers Health Consequences
Tinges of Cocaine in cans of Red Bull Cola
Red Bull's Social post - Bull semen & Taurine
Red Bull's High Altitude Skydiving Project - Risk Advertisement
Red Bull for introducing Label and music academy
Red Bull- Slogan Crisis
Caffeine in a Red Bull is equal to Caffeine in a cup of coffee
Paid cash for Partying with Red Bull

Origin of Red Bull

As we thought, Red Bull originated in the United States, but surprisingly it was invented by an entrepreneur Chaleo Yoovidhya in Thailand and It is initially called ‘Krating Daeng’ for  truck drivers to stay awake while doing overtime. On a business trip to Thailand, an Austrian businessman Dietrich Mateschitz acquired the brand stating that Krating Daeng has cured his jet lag. This made him procure the business and covet to manifest the drink worldwide and renamed the brand as ‘RED BULL’. Moreover, it is said that the original version of the energy drink-Krating Daeng is sweeter than the modern version- Red Bull.

Red Bull- Dolomites conducted the World’s Toughest Team Relay Race

According to the reports, it is said that Red Bull- Dolomites conducted the World’s hardest relay race. The race is held in the Austrian mountains which combines the four most parlous sports events such as Paragliding, Kayaking, Mountain biking and running. The relay race began when the runners, along with their batons, were asked to compete from Lienz main square to Kuhbodentorl, where paragliders were lined up. Then the batons are passed to the paragliders, as they glide down to the Dolomiten stadium. The third level began when the baton was rolled to bikers who raced to drive over 27 kilometers in order to reach Hochstrinkreuz. The final leg depends on the Kayakers, where they dive around seven-meter into the Drava River the accomplish the relay race of Red Bull. The repercussions of the event, it is reported that many participants have been injured severely.

Red Bull Interesting Facts

Red Bull drinkers Health Consequences

Red Bull Energy Drinks
Red Bull Energy Drinks

Red Bull contributed health issues to drinkers as they have been hospitalized, reasoning as Rapid heart rate, dizziness, Hallucinations, Insomnia, difficulty in breathing and a woman from Mexico filed a suit against the production of Red Bull as she is going blind after ingesting 28 cans. Additionally, People encounter two types of Diabetes as- aspartame and acesulfame K caused, Even though red bull is a sugar-free drink. Consequently, Drinking more than 260ml of Red Bull per day ultimately leads to death.

Tinges of Cocaine in cans of Red Bull Cola

German Food regulators found out the tinges of Cocaine in cans of Red Bull Cola with the amount of 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Can. In 2009, the Government banned the production of Red Bull in some states of Germany as it violated food safety.

Red Bull's Social post - Bull semen & Taurine

Back in 2015 and 2016, a post about Taurine in Red Bull was shared on social media creating a buzz on the brand. Where a picture of a bull with its penis strapped into a contraption with a caption ‘The process of making RED BULL’. In 2020, Red Bul officially clarified on its website about this rumour “The Taurine in Red Bull is not from the bull, as it is produced artificially by Pharmaceutical companies.

Red Bull's High Altitude Skydiving Project - Risk Advertisement

When it comes to risky advertisements, Red Bull never gives a second thought and takes a part in it. On 14th October 2012, Red Bull Stratos was launched and considered the highest altitude skydiving project. This project was led by an Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner who flew 40 km into the stratosphere.

Red Bull for introducing Label and Music Academy

If you are a fan of songs like Sail and Megalithic Symphony by AWOL nation, then you should probably thank Red bull for introducing them through their independent record label, Red bull records. It is a subsidiary company of Red Bull founded in 2007 and headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Red Bull also owns a music academy, the Red Bull Music Academy(RMBA) founded in 1998. It is a world travelling music company that conducts workshops and music festivals.

Red Bull Slogan Crisis

Red Bull Sloagan
Red Bull Sloagan

Calling all Red Bull American consumers who have consumed a Red Bull 12 years before 2015, the brand owes you $10 to $15 worth of Red Bull goods. The company was sued in 2013 for false advertising. The famous tagline “Red Bull gives you wings” cost the company $13 million as the plaintiff claimed that even with regular drinking on the brink for ten years, he didn’t gain any wings or athletic skills as advertised by the company.

Caffeine in a Red Bull is equal to Caffeine in a cup of coffee

Back in 2012, Maharashtra Food and Drug Administration(MFDA) seized 1.6 million cans of Red bull stating the reason over caffeine content. The seized cans were supposedly having caffeine content between 250ppm to 300ppm whereas according to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India(FSSAI) maximum caffeine content in carbonated drinks should be 145ppm. But Red Bull wasn’t registered under carbonated drinks. In light of this event, Red Bull issued a statement saying that it respects local laws and that a 250ml can of Red Bull contains the same amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee e.i.,80mg or 320ppm.

Who wouldn’t love to party and more so if they paid to do it? Unquestionably not me! Since there was no existing market for Red Bull, Mateschitz intended to create it by promoting the products in different ways. One famous way he did that was by targeting tend-setting students to throw Red bull parties and supplying the drink to them.


Red Bull even with a taste that is not favoured by many is a top choice energy drink. Even people who do not need caffeine, drink it, like my friends and I who drank it at night back in school when Red Bull was the rage and gave you a false sense of standing among your peers. But the fact that Red Bull has been received widely among people cannot be neglected as the company has sold 7.9 billion cans of Red Bull worldwide in 2020 alone and this shows that Red Bull is here to stay.


Is Red Bull a alcohol?

It is an energy drink.

Who is the owner of Red Bull energy drink?

Dietrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya are the co-founders of Red Bull.

Where did Red Bull originate from?

Red Bull made its debut in Austria in 1987.

What was the controversial Red Bull slogan?

"Red Bull gives you wings".

Why Red Bull is banned?

Some country had banned Red Bull due to the government's health concern of taurine, an amino acid commonly found in energy drinks.

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