Boost Your Content Distribution Plan With These Pro Tips

#content distribution #social media

Boost Your Content Distribution Plan With These Pro Tips

Do you know that 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day.We all know that the first rule of marketing  is “provide value.” However, the second part is “distribution of content to the people who will find it valuable.” All you time and energy to create content will be in vain if you don’t reach an audience who cares about what you want to say.

“If you wrote a blog
And no one came to read it
Did you write a blog?”

You might think that you have created a good and SEO friendly content, then why should you worry about relevant traffic. Right, but as we all know SEO takes time to rank your site, So it should not be the only tool to gain users. Also if you only depend on the user from the organic search you might be loosing so many users who need your service but can't find you.

There you need to be proactive in distribution of content to them, Here are some of the Content distribution channels which you can use to deliver your content.

Type of content distribution channel

Channels for Distribution of Content
Channels for Distribution of Content

1. Owned Media

These are those platforms on which you can control the content.  You must have heard: Don’t build your house on rented land. So, first of all, publish your content on your own platform.

2. Earned and Paid Media

Paid content distribution is a way- where you pay someone to share your messages in their channel. 82% of consumers proactively seek referrals from peers before making a purchase. You can combine your owned content with paid and earned media to direct new audience back to your owned content. Use your own content to captivate, entertain, share your knowledge, and provide massive amounts of value i.e in short your audience must feel any type of value addition after looking your content. So that once a new user lands on your platform it becomes forever yours.

3. Not Owned or earned

Earned media is when you get a mention on a platform you don’t own as the result of your efforts to create awareness. You can also earn attention when the industry notices you and essentially endorses you.  It’s hard to get better than a customer turning into a vocal advocate of your content or brand. There’s trust among your audience seeing a peer vouch for your business.It brings credibility to everything you’ve talked about. Because, sure, you say your content, product, and service is excellent, but now someone’s actually telling others you follow through on your promises.And, that testimonial—depending on where or how it was shared—has the potential to live on for a long time. You can see the effect of shared media with the fact that, 'Every minute, Tumblr owners share approximately 27778 new blog posts'.

Also Read: What are different channels to advertise a start-up digitally?

Goal Selection

Goal Selection before Distribution of Content
Goal Selection before Distribution of Content

Different distribution channels meet different goals. Ask yourself who are you trying to reach? Your own community or a broader audience? People with written goals are 50% more likely to achieve than people without goals. What do you care most about or what you want at the end — visits, signups, conversions, social shares, followers, or brand awareness? Then only select the best distribution channel for you.

Ask someone in your network with similar goals what has worked for them. Pay attention on the audience engagement with the content i.e. what content your audience is sharing, and where they are sharing it. You can use media monitoring and social listening for this. However, the same thing might not work for you what has worked for others so test and iterate until you’ve found what works for your content mix. So, it is very important to decide a goal before distribution of  content.

Also Read: 8 Steps of Effective Planning for Every Business

The ways of distribution of content

  1. Owned Not Owned
  2. Sponsored advertisement (Ad-Words)
  3. Presentations
  4. News apps
  5. Sponsorship to any event
  6. White Papers
  7. Earned Paid Blog post
  8. Guest posts
  9. Sponsored post
  10. Webinars
  11. Mainstream media
  12. Communities and Discussion forum
  13. Supporting any noble cause
  14. eBooks
  15. Social media groups
  16. Paid influencers
  17. Info-graphics
  18. Reviews
  19. Paid content
  20. Discovery services
  21. Guide
  22. Mentions
  23. Videos and Podcasts
  24. Word of Mouth

Also Read: How to Get Media’s Attention Towards your Startup?

Some Pro Tips and Content Distribution Platforms

  1. Build your own Content Distribution network.
  2. You can build and join the group on Facebook and LinkedIn.
  3. Tweet to any famous personalities/ influencer on twitter and ask them to promote your brand on their channel.
  4. Reach out to bloggers to share their article and develop a relationship. They are more likely to share yours.
  5. Comment on the relevant blog with your blog links.
  6. Share your latest piece of content automatically within your email signature.
  7. No content distribution strategy is complete without email. Grow Your own subscriber's list and mail.
  8. Apply social share and plugins like click to tweet.
  9. Write on Medium LinkedIn Publisher and Facebook Notes: These allow you to create and share longer content that has wider appeal, based on the format and design.
  10. Ask your employees, to share he brand on their social profile.
  11. Create content for Slide share. You will be surprised to see the organic reach from this platform.
  12. Create a network of a group of people whom you can notify about a new piece of content you just created so they’ll immediately promote it to their own audience. This is great to get the initial traction going, particularly if you don’t have an audience on your website.Your network should consist of people from your industry.
  13. Social media is the hands-on tool for distributing content . Create account on all major social media platform and continuously share the new launches of the brand to the followers , to keep them excited and on board.
  14. Reddit works well for our tech posts, growth works well for inbound-related content, and Twitter is our strongest social network.
  15. Use personal hashtags to engage the followers to share your content on their social media profiles . Organize contests and referral programs , as a way to distribute the content by your followers . This will expand the range of the distribution of the content.


Distribution of content is not something like learn and do. The important thing is to always be testing,  searching  and find what works best for you. Remember that you’re writing for and communicating with humans, so treat them that way.

Comment below the ways through which you like to distribute the content and works the best for you , in the comment section  Mentions some more ways to distribute content ,which works the best for you.

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