Reasons How Castrol India witnessed a huge profit in Q1 2021

Reasons How Castrol India witnessed a huge profit in Q1 2021

In the first quarterly results of the leading lubricant player Castrol India, there was a huge rise in their profit and almost doubling of their net income compared to the previous year. It was announced during the company board meeting which was held on 26 April 2021. Let’s look at the reasons why Castrol India saw a huge profit in the Q1 of 2021.

About Castrol India
Results of Castrol India
Reasons for the Profit

About Castrol India

Castrol India is an automotive and industrial lubricant manufacturing company. The company owns around 20% of the market share in the overall Indian lubricant market. The company was founded in the year 1910 and has its headquarters located in Mumbai, India.

The company comes under the oil and gas industry. Some of the products of the company include Oil, petroleum, petrochemical and lubricants. In India, Castrol India is the 2nd largest manufacturer of automotive and industrial lubricants.

In various parts of the country, there has been a slowdown in the industrial activities due to the second wave of the pandemic. The company has said that there have been disruptions in the supply of base oil, availability of raw materials and certain other challenges such as logistics and rupee depreciation.

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Results of Castrol India

On 26 April 2021 during the board meeting of Castrol India, the company had announced that its net income had more than doubled itself compared to the previous year. The first quarter net income for the month of January to March was about INR 243.6 crores against the previous quarterly results which were about INR 125.2 crores.

The revenue of the company had grown to INR 1,138.7 crores in the first quarter from the previous year of INR 688 crores. The revenue of the company for the previous year which ended in December 2020 was about INR 2,996.9 crores and the net income of the company was around INR 582.9 crores.

For the first quarter of 2021, the company’s revenue from operations has seen a growth of around 66% which amounted to INR 1,138.7 crores and Castrol India had seen their profit grow to more than double to INR 243.6 crores compared to the previous quarters INR 125.2 crores.

The quarterly results were said in a statement by the Managing Director of Castrol India, Sandeep Sangwan.

Total Income of Castrol India Ltd.
Total Income of Castrol India Ltd.

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Reasons for the Profit

One of the main reasons for the increase in profits and the net income of the company is due to its exponential growth of the revenue of Castrol India. The Managing Director Sandeep Sangwan said that, the good numbers that were seen in the quarterly results were mainly due to the focused investment activities, actions and the interventions made by the company during the second half of 2020.

The above set of actions included the steps such as the building of the brand, corrective pricing, Increasing the marketing and spending on advertisements for building brands and the introduction of new products.

The achievement of the huge profit has also been supported by the improvement according to the trends and demand especially in the sales of SUV and tractor during the first quarter of 2021.

He said that the increase in cash from operations that is INR 269 crore in the first quarter of 2021 was mainly due to the implementation of a cost efficiency programme and judicious working capital management. The cash from operations of Castrol India is equivalent to 1.1 times of the net income.

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Is Castrol an American company?

Castrol is a U.K.-based producer of industrial and automotive lubricants for a global market.

Who is Castrol oil owned by?

Castrol is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BP PLC.

What does BP stand for now?

BP stands for British Petroleum Company Limited.


The covid-19 pandemic has made it hard for most of the industries and Castrol India has also conveyed that the second wave will have an adverse impact on their demand and supply. This may be seen in the further quarterly results announced by the company.

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