Clean Energy Partnership Between the United States and India

On 16 September, in Washington, District of Columbia, the Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) Ministerial was held. It was organized by Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary of Energy for the United States of America, and Hardeep Singh Puri, the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas for India. Under the SCEP, the parties discussed the activities that have been carried out across the several technical pillars.
These initiatives included Power and Energy Efficiency, Responsible Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy, Emerging Fuels and Technologies, and Sustainable Growth. The progress that has been made under the partnership to drive clean energy innovation, strengthen energy security, and accelerate clean energy transitions was welcomed by the ministers. This progress was made possible, among other things, through more focused efforts on manufacturing clean energy and building supply chains that are resilient, responsible, stable, secure, and diverse of their supply chains.
Not only did the parties acknowledge the necessity of working towards an orderly, and sustainable energy transition that emphasizes access to energy supplies that are dependable, affordable, and environmentally friendly, but they also expressed their appreciation for the significant role that energy commerce plays in supporting the national interests of both nations.
The ministers recognized the progress that both countries have made in promoting energy efficiency, accelerating the development and deployment of emerging clean energy technologies, advancing the deployment of renewable energy and reliable grid integration, promoting energy efficiency, and advancing the decarbonization of high-emitting sectors such as industry, buildings, and transportation.
Renewable Energy Technology Action Platform (RETAP)
With the goal of developing actionable roadmaps for hydrogen, long duration energy storage, offshore wind, and geothermal energy through research and development, pilots and demonstration, and incubation-investment-industry networks, the ministers expressed their satisfaction with the formal launch of the Renewable Energy Technology Action Platform (RETAP) in August 2023. Additionally, they expressed their contentment with the progress that is being achieved by both parties in accordance with the RETAP system.
The two nations expressed their enthusiasm for working together on the establishment of a new National Centre for Hydrogen Safety in India as well as a partnership on the 2nd International Conference on Green Hydrogen, which took place from 11 to 13 September 2024. The ministers noted the extended bilateral expert exchanges on clean hydrogen research and development, attempts to reduce costs, and the deployment of hydrogen hubs in both countries through RETAP, which is the public-private Hydrogen Task Force. The work that is being done to employ green hydrogen in buses, tractors, and other heavy equipment was also welcomed by the ministers.
The ministers emphasised how important it is to promote the integration of renewable energy sources on a broad scale into the grid while also enabling grid operations that are flexible and reliable through the use of energy storage mechanisms. Regarding the formal launch of the public-private Energy Storage Task Force, which aims to address policy and regulatory frameworks, safety, manufacturing and supply chains, and innovative business models; focused RETAP efforts on long-term energy storage and alternative chemistries to Li-ion technologies.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
These two nations came to an agreement to provide a boost to environmentally friendly aircraft fuel. An inaugural workshop on sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) was held to support training on research and development, tax incentives, supply chain capacity building, market development, financing opportunities, fuel certification, regional and international coalition building, and the facilitation of commercial partnerships. In this context, the parties expressed their appreciation for the new engagement on SAF. As part of the Biofuels Task Force, the ministers expressed their satisfaction with the preparation of two joint papers on the subject of SAF and biofuels.
Both nations reaffirmed their dedication to enhancing energy efficiency and expressed their enthusiasm for the possibility of working together on super-efficient appliances. The goal of this partnership is to raise efficiency requirements, increase the deployment and production of high-efficiency inexpensive cooling systems, and encourage supply chain diversification.

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