Digital Platforms Expert Discusses Advances in Organizational Leadership and Highlights New Profiles Needed

Digital Platforms Expert Discusses Advances in Organizational Leadership and Highlights New Profiles Needed
Imteaz Ahamed, Digital Paltforms Expert

The organizational world has been undergoing changes that go beyond technological transformations. A more dynamic and flexible environment has also embraced concepts that were once seen as more formal, often found in details within institutional planning. One of these evolving concepts is leadership.

Specialist publications have increasingly focused on describing the new profile of leaders within organizations, better equipped to face a landscape of numerous instabilities. As a result, even the concept previously known as Human Resources (HR) has undergone transformations and gained new definitions, with "People Management" now being more widely accepted.

Globally, statistics show that more than 70% of large institutions reported an increase in investment in People Management last year. Of this number, more than half also recognized the need to include their leaders in this process, with the goal being a significant, and sometimes radical, change depending on the project and the perspective adopted by the institution.

Leadership and new technologies are two areas closely associated with the career of Imteaz Ahamed. He is an Australian citizen, born in Bangladesh (Asia), and currently resides in the United States.

Imteaz Ahamed is a specialist in eCommerce technology and Digital Marketing, with over 15 years of experience in the midst of constant changes. The assignments he has received, aimed at developing and leading projects in these areas, have made him acutely aware of the true need to handle this dynamism. Today, sharing his knowledge has become a new career goal.

“The main lesson we’ve learned is that the concept of leadership is still very much tied to the environment in which that leadership will be implemented. Of course, depending on the context, a more conservative leadership is still welcome. But the prevailing concept today is different. The resulting change has been significant. We talk a lot about situational leadership, perfectly adapted to these variations.”

The transition highlighted by Imteaz Ahamed was accentuated in the 1970s. In fact, in some contexts, the changes began earlier, as in the 1940s in the more industrialized countries. Management reforms, driven by managerial choices around three decades later, played a key role in spreading the ideals of global administrative contexts.

New leaders have focused on a more personalized approach to dealing with each team member. The diversification in decisions goes far beyond mere whim or the avoidance of potential conflicts. It has become seen as central to a common good between the interests of the organization and its followers, with the end result of the planning being the primary concern.

“It’s important to emphasize that when we talk about situational leadership, flexible in each context and project, this doesn’t mean we’re talking about a liberal leadership style. The difference is that, in situational leadership, the leader is also aware of the need for adaptation, is more open to group participation, but still maintains control in each situation. The final word is always theirs. Unlike liberal leadership, where the leader delegates all decisions to the followers, sometimes even relinquishing the role of a consultant to the group in more complex situations. In other words, encouraging participation and offering constant motivation is not the same as shirking responsibility.”

The rapid pace of transformation in Digital Marketing and other areas worked on by Imteaz Ahamed has helped him understand the need for something compatible when managing his projects. Among his skills, he has promoted public lectures and built teams and leadership structures. More projects developed by the professional have led to increased engagement among the stakeholders (audiences interacting with the organization).

The new characteristics required from current leaders, therefore, go beyond a focus solely on organizational transformations in the technological realm. It’s about adapting to new perspectives in the management field, which has changed considerably over the past decades. These changes have not only impacted the private business sector but have also significantly influenced public administration, even in countries that were historically behind when evaluated under modern standards.

“What is at stake when we analyze this effectiveness is not just what the institution gains or loses in a short period of time. It’s about competitiveness, credibility, and audience engagement. Therefore, all of this belongs undeniably to strategic planning, to long-term planning. Of course, offering immediate successes, precisely because of the choices made by leaders on a day-to-day basis, from the organizational top down to the various operational sectors. In fact, this is where the efforts need to be even greater and more effective, alongside the leaders of each operation.”

Building the Specialist's Career

Imteaz Ahamed is an Australian citizen, born in Bangladesh. He currently resides in the United States. As the Director of Performance Marketing for the infant nutrition division at Reckitt, he leads the development of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Data Clean Room practices (focused on data sharing) for internal retailers and manages teams responsible for complete content, social, and commerce experiences for omnichannel consumers (channel integration).

The professional also has significant experience in another area essential for the success sought through planning. Imteaz Ahamed has extensive expertise in Data Management, one of the core disciplines that led to the development of better search optimization tools on the internet, known as SEO.

Currently, he serves as the Director of Performance Marketing at Reckitt Benckiser, a nutrition company based in New Jersey, United States. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from the University of Sydney, Australia, and is certified in Data Science from Harvard Business School.

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