Themesberg - A Platform for Amazing Website Templates and Themes
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Nowadays, most web designers use web design templates for their work. Though they might require some customization to meet your needs, web design templates offer numerous advantages. The website template can be customized to your requirements by changing the colors, pictures, and text so that it ends up looking quite different from the original. It also saves you a lot of time and is cost-efficient.
With a ready-made website template, you don’t have to imagine what the finished product will look like, whether the web developer you’ve chosen has understood your requirements, whether your website will have to go through several changes and iterations before you’re satisfied with the end-product.
Themesberg was created to bring quality code and templates together. They use unique and new design trends created solely by their team and innovate the process of developers by their products.
Themesberg - Company Highlights
Startup Name | Themesberg |
Headquarter | Timișoara, Romania |
Sector | Software Development & Tools |
Founders | Szőgyényi Zoltán, Tanislav Robert |
Founded | 2019 |
Parent Organization | Crafty Dwarf LLC |
Website | |
About Themesberg and How it Works
Themesberg - Target Market Size
How was Themesberg Started?
Themesberg - Product/Services
Founders of Themesberg and team
Themesberg - Name, Tagline, and Logo
Themesberg - Business Model and Revenue Model
Themesberg - Startup Launch
Themesberg - User Acquisition
Themesberg - Startup Challenges
Themesberg - Growth
Themesberg - Future Plans
Themesberg - Funding and Investors
Themesberg - Advisors and Mentors
Themesberg - Offers
About Themesberg and How it Works
Themesberg offers both free and premium high-quality website themes, templates, and UI kits that web developers and companies can use to create beautiful websites and applications. They sell professional design and code to save time and money for clients.
The company's short term goal is to expand the variety and number of themes to at least 50. They also seek to integrate their products into technologies such as React, Vue, Angular, and so on. Their long term goal is to surpass ThemeForest as the leading market shareholder for website themes and templates.
The core belief of the team is quality above quantity, respect for clients and partners, and growth no matter what. Based on these three principles, Themesberg became one of the fastest-growing websites in the industry market.
Themesberg - Target Market Size
The industry the startup currently targets is software development and design, particularly for web interfaces. The market size is huge and there is no real way of calculating it. A good indicator would be popular related websites such as Github which has almost 400 million unique users every month.
"I believe that the software development industry will continue expanding in the next few years and we will see new and better frameworks and technologies emerging that will help developers save time with boilerplate code and enable them to focus on building awesome features", says Szőgyényi Zoltán, founder of Themesberg.

How was Themesberg Started?
The inspiration came from the fact that there were not many high-quality themes and UI Kits out there. Excluding a few exceptions such as the products from Creative Tim, most web-based UI kits out there were disappointing. Also, the founders love building beautiful user interfaces and websites and it helps to do something that they are passionate about.
In terms of research and idea validation, they already knew there was a fully developed market for this just by looking at the traffic and sales of some of the best-performing companies in this industry, such as Envato, Creative Tim, and so on.
Themesberg was created out of passion and dedication for high-quality user interfaces and clean code. It is a project that is continuously in development and the co-founders are already working on ways to improve the experience of their users using the website and products.
"The people we most usually talk and listen to are first of all our clients, regardless of whether they have purchased something or not. We listen to their feedback and most of the time apply it to our vision. Themesberg is being molded by the direct demands of the market. Secondly, we closely work with our partners: Creative Tim and AppSeed.", said Szőgyényi Zoltán.
Themesberg - Product/Services
Themesberg website is the platform where the company promotes, list, and makes its products available. The products there solve two big problems: development time and premium design. Using a theme from themesberg will save you a lot of time and money just by reducing your development time with boilerplate code while making sure you make use of one of the most well-designed user interfaces out there.
The startup's main innovation is the quality of products and the fact that they list a lot more details for each product on Themesberg, such as the file structure, overview of all of the pages, and so on. Of course, innovation is something that is in the making. Next year from now you will probably see a lot more unique traits to its marketplace.
The co-founders never had an “initial product” idea. They just created a website listing their work, then step by step added new features and updates which started defining what Themesberg is today, namely the place to go to download and purchase high-quality website themes, templates, and UI kits in various front-end technologies.
Founders of Themesberg and team

Themesberg is founded by Szőgyényi Zoltán and Tanislav Robert.
Szőgyényi knew Robert since his university days back a few years ago. They wanted to start something together even then but they were just not ready in terms of knowledge and experience.
"One day he asked me some question about Javascript and he showed me his project that he was working on, which was called Pixel UI Kit. I really liked what I saw and I proposed to him to create a team together and take it to the next level.", recalls Szőgyényi, co-founder of Themesberg.
Since then they created a website called Themesberg and currently, it has 10 free & premium products, over 2,000 registered web developers, and companies with a monthly growth of both traffic and sales.
Robert is the boss when it comes to design and product development and Szőgyényi is the guy who helps him with code development, marketing, and the general vision and strategy of the company. They make up a great team! Both the co-founders learned at the same university in information technology of West University from Timisoara, Romania.
The company size still consists of only the two co-founders but they are seeking to expand the team soon. They don’t have a well-defined work culture just yet, but they have a focus on quality rather than deadlines. Remote work is something that is integrated into their daily schedule as well.
Themesberg - Name, Tagline, and Logo

The “berg” from Themesberg comes from the word “iceberg” which would indicate that the products not only look really nice, but that they also come with clean code, great customer support and the long term benefits you get by working with these themes.
Themesberg - Business Model and Revenue Model
Themesberg offers three types of licenses for each product: freelancer, company, and enterprise. All of them are carefully built to match the needs of each type of customer and business. Additionally, they offer a lot of free products as well which serve as a demo for their PRO themes.
The pricing range is between $49 and $999 for all its products and licenses. They only pay a small commission to their payment and tax processor called Paddle for each transaction.
BONUS: You can use the coupon code 'STARTUPTALKY20' on Themesberg for 20% off any theme
Themesberg - Startup Launch

The co-founders used everything they could. Social media, friends referral, Hacker News, Indiehackers, Product Hunt, Reddit, and so on. As months passed by, they launched new products and wrote high-quality content on their blog about web development and design, their traffic started to grow.
"One interesting thing is that our most searched keyword on Google is actually 'Themesberg'. This means that people are highly likely to come back to our website when searching for website themes, templates, and UI kits. We’re also building a brand, not just backlinks!", says Szőgyényi Zoltán.
The company also regularly launch open source projects on its official Github page and that helps it drive traffic to the main website and products.
Themesberg - User Acquisition
Partnering up with Creative Tim surely helped the duo drive some more interest towards Themesberg because they carefully select the partners they decide to work with. They even launched a joint project together with them called Impact Design System PRO which brings together the best of two worlds: front presentational pages and high-quality admin dashboard interfaces.
Other than that, Szőgyényi and Tanislav kept focusing on providing high-quality content, products and generally improving their marketing strategies and website. They haven’t really invested any money into advertising so most of the growth was organic. That may change in the near future.

Themesberg - Startup Challenges
The major challenge was reaching $1k monthly revenue. It’s really hard to do that with only a few products and a new website that doesn’t really have traffic.
"The first year was difficult and I believe the only thing that kept us moving was our passion and dedication to building high quality user interfaces and to make Themesberg the market leading website for the industry.", said Szőgyényi Zoltán, co-founder of Themesberg.
One of their experiments that didn’t really work out was creating highly specific and niche website templates. The problem was that the market was not that big and the demand was low. So the duo slightly repurposed some of those templates and now they have a much better conversion rate.
Themesberg - Growth
The main headquarters of the company are in Timisoara, Western Romania. The monthly revenue is around $3-4k with a goal to reach at least $10k by the end of the year. The user base is over 2,000 web developers and companies. Market share is probably no more than 1% at this point.
Notable clients include developers from universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, and so on. The main partners are Creative Tim and AppSeed. Their website has been growing month by month and currently, it has around 40k unique visitors every month with a goal to reach 100k per month by the end of the year.

Themesberg - Funding and Investors
Themesberg hasn’t raised or is seeking to raise funds in the near future. They want to keep the current shareholders' structure.
Themesberg - Advisors and Mentors
The company's mentors are our clients, partners, families and friends.
Themesberg - Future Plans
Our plans for the next two years are to expand the product catalog and the variety of technologies we integrate them with. We will probably tap into the CMS market with offering Wordpress themes at some point as well. For sure we want to reach around $40k monthly revenue and at least 400k monthly visitors for our website in the next 2 years - Szőgyényi Zoltán.
Themesberg - FAQs
What is Themesberg?
Themesberg offers both free and premium high-quality website themes, templates, and UI kits that web developers and companies can use to create beautiful websites and applications. They sell professional design and code to save time and money for clients.
Who is the founder of Themesberg?
The founders of Themesberg are Szőgyényi Zoltán and Tanislav Robert.
How was Themesberg Started?
Themesberg is a platform started in 2019 with the initial objective to become the best web template/theme and UI resource for developers and companies across.

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